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Just bought this at Wing Lee Hong supermarket on the way back through town today. Never tried it before but always wanted to...
One part is in the fridge for overnight thaw, so tommorrow it's tasting time. btw it sure does smell strong:poly122:


  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    that stuff is the food of the gods.. I used to eat that all the time as a kid.. and it smells devine
  • System
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    Tastebuds on standby, thanks man, I hope I enjoy it as much as you used to :D
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    was just thinking, it might not be how it is frsh, I know it didnt keep in the fridge all that well. kinda went hard.
  • System
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    did you have the Monthong variety? Just been reading up on them and Monthong is apparently the only type of durian that can be picked unripe and will ripen for weeks without rotting.
    btw went back to the fridge for another sniff, it does smell really pungent but pleasant as you say, was thinking about defrosting it in the microwave but all good things come to those who wait...
  • danshewan
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    danshewan polycounter lvl 8
    From durian.net:

    I can eat durian for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and I am confident that I can do so until an old age, without developing diabetes or hepatitis. Actually, I even believe that the durian has a magical power to keep me young and look young, without facelifts or other cosmetic or plastic surgery.

  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    danshewan wrote: »
    From durian.net:


    Its True..

    actually its actually fattening.. Its has a high content of vegetable fat.

    And GCMP NO MICROWAVE !!! it'll taste awful and your microwave will forever have that smell.. and anything you warm up in it will smell of it..

    I have had the Malaysian and Thai varieties, never heard on monthong I only know of the D-24 thai variety. The locals have cross bred the different species to come up with "better varieties" Theres also a "the worms know best" saying, apparently the best tasting ones have worms in part of it.. hahahah

    Durian is banned from all hotels in Asia. because of the central airconsitioning system.. one of those things in a hotelroom will make the whole hotel smell of it.. not that I would mind.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    ugggggggggggghhhhh I'm in the 'I hate durian' camp... this stuff is foul... stink up a room real bad real fast when it's fresh.
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    I'm ok with the taste and smell of durian, espcially with some nice sticky Thai coconut rice. But the texture ... is as close to gristle as you can get without eating meat.
  • Ninjas
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    Ninjas polycounter lvl 18
    They have this fresh at the local market-- always think about buying some. It is the smell, like a rotting animal except yummy
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    here's a picture i took of finely prepared durian, since GCMP's has gone down for now. see how it resembles alien babies..
    delicious :p~~
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    Snowfly wrote: »
    I'm ok with the taste and smell of durian, espcially with some nice sticky Thai coconut rice. But the texture ... is as close to gristle as you can get without eating meat.

    Gristle ??? no way.. its soft and creamy
  • Snowfly
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    Snowfly polycounter lvl 18
    yeah wrong word. i was thinking pasty like liver.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    liver? damn you've eaten some weird durians

    was going to mention the rice.. that is tasty...

    When I was a small boy I got told off for saying it looked like yellow dog shit
  • System
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    last night it smelt pleasant but today it was stinking up the place like rotten chicken, still I tried some...

    ...nearly threw up!

    Put a big spoonful in my gob but spat most out, it tasted like really creamy bad onions or some off dairy product that cannot be described. I love Chinese and Thai food but wow this stuff isn't for me :(
  • Yozora
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    Yozora polycounter lvl 11
    I have a rule when it comes to eating foods; if it smells bad then don't put it in your mouth!
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    GCMP wrote: »
    last night it smelt pleasant but today it was stinking up the place like rotten chicken, still I tried some...

    ...nearly threw up!

    Put a big spoonful in my gob but spat most out, it tasted like really creamy bad onions or some off dairy product that cannot be described. I love Chinese and Thai food but wow this stuff isn't for me :(


    I think its a very cultural thing, if you're not from the region it can seem like your eating something rotten.

    I loves it !
  • System
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    can still taste it in my burps and it was hours since eating durian, heh, lesson learned. Will have to be a bit more cautious in future!
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    people have died ingesting durian and beer... careful indeed.. it commands respect..
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    I thought I'd give this a try but if it's too much for the guy who can eat testicles fresh off the goat, I think I'll pass.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    another hater is born. join me in the haters group. I describe the texture of durian as rotten onions and banana with the overpowering essence of rotten onion and sweaty socks.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    I ate one of these before back in San Fran. I managed to keep the bit I ate down. Almost puked. Definitely an acquired taste... and I've done pig/goat blood soup which I thought was foul, but got over it with drinking. There is not enough liquor in the world to get me to eat another durian.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    tsk philistines...Iveeaten turtle, cows lungs, testicles, pigsstomach and intestines,..and sea urchin

    durian is so easy to eat ..
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    rolfness wrote: »
    tsk philistines...Iveeaten turtle, cows lungs, testicles, pigsstomach and intestines,..and sea urchin
    Everything but the lungs and testicles, I hate chiterlings (chitlin's)... everything else is weekly here. Just ate horse and whale sashimi tonight. 4 legs and it's not a table, it can be eaten.

    Damn it Rolfness, you gotta bring back the bad memories. One summer for punishment I had to prep the hogs for skinning. And since my grandfather was stone-age with his methods for slaughter (and not take it to the butcher), I had to catch the hog, tie his back legs and hang him over a 55 gal drum to bleed him. My uncle stabled him in the neck, let the blood drain into one drum, then I had to climb the tree and pull the rope so the hog was over ANOTHER drum that was full of boiling water, then dunked it to get the hair off. Then the uncles came along and gutted it.

    My grandma was still not satisfied and had me go to the fridge and get like 5 buckets of intestines to clean. I smelled like blood and pig shit for like 3 days.

    And you wanna know what I did? I shot a damn bird and didn't eat it.
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    rofl... I've eathen most of that shit too, being chinese, minus testicles... durian was by far the hardest thing to keep down. It was also the first thing that repulsed me even before seeing it, sheerly by smell.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Durien is ok. I'd never actually buy it, but I would eat it if I were offered.

    The smell and texture are 'interesting', but the flavour is nice. Occasionally it can be WAAY too sweet though (like eating a glob of sugar-mixed-with-honey kinda sweet).
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    when I was a kid we used to eat duck quite often, and the way we got it was live and I used to play with the ducks when I was a wee lad and then late afternoon they'd be taken out back and slaughtered. I remember being sad a couple of times but after awhile it was pretty meh, but very very tasty..

    horse is nice and I love me pig stomach soup the chinese make something called Bak kut teh.. and that my friends is the epitome of food.

  • carlo_c
    Wow all this talk of it makes me want to try it, I'm really curious lol. Might have to pop down to the local chinese and get one.
  • System
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    rolfness wrote: »
    when I was a kid we used to eat duck quite often

    Ahh memories, me too :D My parents used to take me to a really nice Chinese restaurant in Leeds called the Wan Hai, crispy Peking duck with pancakes, hoisin sauce, cucumber and spring onions, yum!
    They also used to serve us sweet and sour chicken with cripsy rice, the sauce was poured over the rice and you could hear it pop, that stuff tasted as good as it smelt, amazing.

    It was all Peking style, prefer it to Cantonese but sadly this place closed as the owner ran gambling downstairs and got into some rather serious debt. Found a few restaurants since the changeover that serve Peking duck but it's nowhere near as good as I remember it.

    Bak kut teh sounds interesting, next on the list!
  • sir-knight
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    sir-knight polycounter lvl 10
    ugh... someone in my family bought some durian icecream by accident =_=

    I have to say it makes it edible... but the initial taste is sulfurous and then it's tolerable... but then you burp up the true beast later...
  • System
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    Trying some healthier food, tonights dinner...


    It actually tasted really nice for cold food, kind of surprising seeing as most of my culinary efforts taste pretty foul.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    GCMP: what is it? I see onions, ginger, peppers, chives and maybe lettuce? What are those toasted fellows around the perimeter?
  • System
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    not far off. Underneath it's a bed of crispy lettuce, onion, red cabbage, ham slices and a few drops of fresh lime. On top is red pepper fried with leeks in olive oil and potato slices around the edges all seasoned with a little salt and crushed black pepper. In the middle low fat mayonaisse again with some crushed black pepper.
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