Hey All,
So i've been modelling for about a year or so now, and although i've taken lots of leaps and advances this has all mainly been with poly pushing in Maya. I've done a bit of normal mapping using Zbrush by importing a low poly from Maya and then exporting out the more detailed map. But I'd really like to move up a notch into the big bad world of subd modeling and the baking of high poly and low poly meshes in 3rd party programs (namely xNormal).
Now there's lots of tutorials on making certain objects in subd and all this and that. But I'd like to know everyone's tips and tricks in terms of optimizing for baking. Things like silhouettes, separating the mesh for better AO and so on so forth. Rules that generally apply to any model you create.
I've picked up bits and pieces but it would be great to try and get the whole picture.
Technical Talk is riddled with threads on the subject