Hi all - Any tips for Sculpting Lips (i'm using mudbox but i'm sure this is a pretty generic question) Struggling to avoid the 'fish lips' look which obviously isn't great!
Would love to hear some processes/steps if anyone would be generous enough to share!
female lips
videos from ryan kingslien - should give you some insight. there's also a mouth one in there.
Man these suck bad now lol but hey there you go, hope theres something useful in there for you now man. God damn look where i left the shape of her skull!!
good tutorial
This usually occurs mistakenly in sculpting because of the desire to sculpt the mental symbol of a separate "lip," when, for example, if you're just sculpting a closed mouth, perhaps it would be more artistically accurate (judging on how an object actually looks, rather than the via symbols carried in one's mind) to cut in the division between the lips. Sculpting is an interesting study; it can teach you a lot about form, if you do it observationally.
[/unwanted rambling]
Yeah I think that has been my problem in the past, 'draw' out the shape of the lips rather than actually working with the volume that is there