Not really a big deal but I thought it worth mentioning:
My name does not show in memberlist and probably a few other members too. Like I said, its a trivial thing but seeing as the boards are looking so sexy these days I figured I would mention it.
I've been having issues accessing the site in general for the last few days. Yesterday, while I was at work, the site couldn't be found throughout the day. When I was at home, it was working again. Then, this morning, no polycount again. Now it's working (obviously)
I was beginning to wonder if my employer's dns server was getting screwed.
notman: nope, it was due to the downtime we had a couple days ago. DNS got changed around and had to re-push everywhere, so for a couple days, not everyone could get to the site. It should be all good now.
and spam bots
I was beginning to wonder if my employer's dns server was getting screwed.