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Deadpool WIP

So I wanted to get his muscle structure critiqued before I started on the actual detail. I'm not done with the muscles yet but I just wanted to make sure I'm headed in the right direction. I have my own concept of him drawn up but haven't had a chance to scan it in yet. So that will be up eventually.deadpool_front.jpg?t=1254885211deadpool_back.jpg?t=1254885425


  • slipsius
    mid section looks off to me. i just dont like the hour glass affect. the obliques should go all the way up to where it starts to fan out to eh arms. look at this reference. its got the extreme muscles your going for, and yet, it still doesnt have much going in towards the abs.

  • Onuris
    The whole chest/midsection area could use work. Right now the pecs are much too square, in addition to what slipsius mentioned. Should look much more like the pic slip posted, maybe not quite as veiny though. Also, the shoulders look weird to me from the back.
  • joesolo
    Well It looks like things are really coming along here. I think the biggest issue with this guy is that you have all the anatomy in of the right places, but I don't feel their connection points, where they connect from, and where they connect to, and how they intermingle with the other forms. Muscles flow over, under, and around other muscles and I am not feeling that from this model at the moment. I can't wait to see you get the accessories in there.
  • insaneklown89
  • insaneklown89
    oh ya and thank you all for the comments
  • Marine
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    Marine polycounter lvl 19
    i think going bulky for deadpool is the wrong way to go, he's very agile, he wouldn't be built like this
  • insaneklown89
    eh, i might have made him a little to big, but he looks pretty beefy to me
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    Yea but look how his wide shoulder width (with nor overly large pecs mind you) kinda constricts into a thinner waist and leaner legs.

    The major problem I have with your anatomy atm is the legs/pelvis/hips. The legs start off too far apart from each other, and with muscles that huge they'd probably be touching. Not to mention how the thigh muscle suddenly juts out.

    Either way, just check some refs on that area. (gay porn)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    aesir is correct about the hips, hips are the toughest thing to get right imo, and this is what is the biggest problem currently.
    You want to get a nice "V" shape going, by narrowing the hips drastically. The reason Deadpool looks "beefy" in that picture, isn't actually the size, its by the cuts and definition he has.
    Therefore, I believe you moved up in sub-diviisions too quickly. Go back down a few sub d's and work on the basic proportions, shapes and sillohette. Just keep playing with it till you get it right, get lots of references, and take your time.
    Good luck man!

    [edit] and here is a hint about the hips, if you simply smooth out the upper thigh with the hip bone area it will look much better.
  • insaneklown89
    i see what you guys are saying, i took a look at deadpool from the marvel ultimate alliance 2 and he is much more slender, and they show hardly any muscle detail, so im going to lighten up on some of the muscle and make him a bit more slender. As well as fixing the hips and legs.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    His butt is too chunky, thin up his waist!
  • insaneklown89
  • insaneklown89
    so I added some gear , have the pistol and holster to add and the boots to finish, and then all the little details, but its coming along.
  • Nizza_waaarg
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    Nizza_waaarg polycounter lvl 15
    ver 3 = heaps cooler dude. Will be good to see him with the rest of his gear blocked in ^^
  • insaneklown89
    Alright so here is the low poly(7535 tris) and the highpoly with all the gear. I still need to add stitching to the boots, belt, and ammo packs in Zbrush,but besides that I'm getting ready to unwrap. Let me know if I can optimize the low at all or add anything to the high that might look cool.


  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    wait so thats the high is it done? the sculpting seems to be at just a verry base level of detail

    i suggest goin over to zbrush central and browse their top row gallery for muscle men and get some ideas to where you can push thing thing to the next level
  • insaneklown89
    thats the high at the 4th subdivision in max, I was on a computer that didnt have zbrush at the time but still wanted to post. Here is the high poly at the 6th sub

  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    I like the clean and clear cuts you have on the front of the torso, like a comic sketch, but there is almost no definition in the back, in the glutes, rear of the thighs, or front of the forearms. i know he is wearing a suit, but if you can see the striations in his chest, then there should be something on the rest, unless all deadpool does is pushups...
    If you threw in a side view, I think we could give you better crits.
  • insaneklown89
    So here is the first texture pass. I'm still playing around with the spec map cause I'm not completely happy with it,but here is what I have. Let me know what you guys think, and what I should fix. The weapons will be coming soon.


  • insaneklown89
    Here is his gun, I'm currently rigging him and will post a posed shot with a fixed spec on the boots soon.
  • ES_139
    hey insaneklown, looks like its going well i just wanted to make a few suggestions about your choice in costume im not sure where these skulls and spike chokers/bracelets have come from. I understand if your trying to project a bit of your own personality into the character i was just wondering what kind of reference you were using to get your costume, it seems to be missing some key elements. The deadpool buckle, which he also has on the back of his hands (in the latest incarnation) also the 'eyepatches' on his mask are much more rounder. At the moment he kinda looks like a spawn/deadpool if thats what your going for you have achieved that well, if not i would re-think the costume. The gun looks good and it defiantly has a bit of deadpool personality to it with the writing im just not sure that fits with a more gothic/spawn style character. Keep working its coming along well.
  • insaneklown89
    ya, i was shooting for a spawn like version. I drew up a concept and actually had his mask looking more like a skull than the traditional mask, but I decided to just change up the eye patches a little. I just wanted to do something a little different from the normal deadpool outfits. As far as the gun I just thought that I would keep some of the comic humor in with the design.
    I was thinking of adding the deadpool symbol on his teleporter, and also on his hands. Or maybe on the forehead of the skull.
  • Gallows
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    Gallows polycounter lvl 9
    Liking it, but definitely not digging the spike collar.
  • achillesian
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    Intresting thread, he looks so much better than your first body draft :)
    Right now the clothes look like silk (i have no idea what material it should be...) and he is more pink than red. push the saturation of the red material up a little and push the hue til its red and maybe darken it abit and it will be more like the pics i just found on the internet. :)
  • insaneklown89
    Thanks for all the comments, and the cat woman pic. Here he is posed, with his guns, logo and color alteration. I'm starting a new semester of classes so I don't know when ill have time to do his sword, but i want to try him in a couple different poses before putting him in my portfolio. Any suggestions?
    (oh and i notice that his gun looks a little flat at this angle I'm going to have that fixed later)
  • natetheartist
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    natetheartist polycounter lvl 9
    I agree whole-heartedly with achillesian
  • zxcman
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    zxcman polycounter lvl 10
    hi mate.looking not bad.)but i supose you should remove the all unused free space no your image.
  • insaneklown89
    So I haven't sculpted in a while so I decided to go back and rework my deadpool model I did about 2 years ago, but this time I going to go with a more traditional look rather than my interpretation of him. Heres what Ive worked on so far.

  • LastActionHero
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    LastActionHero polycounter lvl 2
    The model looks really angry, but deadpool is not that kind of rage-monster kind of guy.
    And also, the front facing model has some issues with his nose.
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