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UC 2009 'END GAME' | Polycorn | 3D

polycounter lvl 10
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Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
Hi everybody!
I'm gonna go ahead and try successfully finishing this competition :)

| Current Concept |

| Old Concepts |
'Been cranking up some ideas and what I got myself into is "The birth of evil" kind of scene, where evil appears out of the depths of our very own planet. Here be the sketches I made so far, and while the idea is pretty much the same, the only thing the varies is the time (era) of the setting.

I thought it might be cool to do an ancient scene, where there is barely any technology at all, but magic still exists.. like so:

But then again, I've been wanting to make my own city ever since I was a kid (huh?) so I would also like to try that Urban PAD software.. kinda like this:

The second one is probably gonna be a lot harder to pull off, though. Anyway..

Good Luck to everyone!

PS: Team name... Yeah, word, I do suck at names. And btw "polycorn" as in corn made of polygons, not a unicorn with multiple horns.. :poly142:


  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Been reconsidering the concept... I think I'm gonna go after something like this (a giant bomb being dropped over a city, as this concept might not communicate the idea as well as desired :) )

  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    All right, been testing some stuff.

    Here is a (somewhat) procedural house material in UT3. Has the functionality of a 2048x map, but its about 512x total. It is a bit doubtful what the point of it really was, but it is kinda cool. :poly121:

    Also, been testing the workflow with Urban PAD. Here is a result back in max viewport:
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    the last screen is sweet. very moody. digging it :D
  • TychoVII
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    TychoVII polycounter lvl 13
    That's all from only 2 buildings? It's amazing how varied it looks with so few assets. Nice work.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you!

    TychoVII > Its the two of them slightly modified (w/wout balcony, ect.). I think I'll compile the different variations together (to make my life easier), so they will turn out to be like 4-5 different meshes eventually..

    I'm starting to think I should use photo textures instead of those, coz they look way too clean...
  • oalexis
    Textures look good. You could just paint some more grime on them instead of using photo textures
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    oalexis > Sounded like plan so I went ahead and tested it with "dirtier" textures. Problem is, since I rely on tiling so much, any detail that draws attention makes resulting pattern stick out way too much.

    Anyway, here is the result of more contrast in the textures, a dirt map applied on the material, which tiles independently, and a lower res on the textures (128x128 now). It kinda works. As much as I worship unreal engine, I strongly disagree with how "foolproof" it is when it comes to handling textures. Darn, even truevision lets you assign negative lods... Anyhow:

    And here is the simplified version of the material (I wonder if I should use normal maps as well :poly121:):
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Got my city more refined now, it's kinda starting to look like a real one. Once I get a decent version of it, I'll have to refine the concept based on the 3d city (I really don't feel like drawing a hundred little houses otherwise).

    Special thanks to the Gamr7 team for helping me out with the software :).

    Max viewport:
  • SimonT
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    SimonT interpolator
    Love your city and the lighting!
  • zortech
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    zortech polycounter lvl 17
    Yea the city is looking quite interesting. I was wondering if anyone would give the
  • professorXXX
    This is coming together great:) nice job
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    SimonT > Thank you sir!

    zortech > Does indeed :). I've been looking into the features more extensively lately, should have a refined version the city soon..

    professorXXX > Thank you, professorZbrushMaster! :poly121:

    Here are some of the city props I've been working on; textures are quite small on these (32, 64, 128 ), so they look kinda funky this close. Wish I didn't have other stuff that takes away my time.. Anyway:

    All are max viewports again. Really not the best shots, but ...



  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    looks really nice :) i guess the city engine whatever thingie award will go to you :D
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Man, I had promised myself not to look at the prices page until this is over. Now my life is, like, times harder then before! Anyway, I'm sure right now someone is cranking up downtown NY or something :D!! I never win anything.. In fact, even when I get those funny tasting lucky biscuits, they're usually empty! Weird :poly121:

    Anyhow, here is the final (I really hope) mockup of the city. It really did take a while to finish, one of the reasons, unfortunately, was that my computer had a hard time dealing with large arrays of data (in other words, I've had about 30-40 crashes a day for the pas few days). The full scene includes some 20 000 objects. Also, I'm having the slight breeze of a feeling some those little props will not be starring in the scene, because they cost more than 100k tris.

    Enough talk; max viewport, no lights (just a layout test):

    Same stuff, real-time DOF enabled. Looks kinda funky, indeed.

    Does anyone know how to import a camera into Unreal 3?
  • man_o_mule
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    man_o_mule polycounter lvl 18
    I think a cloud or two betwen the houses and the bomb would help sell the perspective and height. might be hard to pull off in a night scene though.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    man_o_mule > Thanks, that's a good idea! I'll have run some tests if I can get that to work in max (dof +transparency are giving me quite some trouble). Will post the results

    Some update: I've played with the idea of showing what the bomb actually does by having a section of the city already destroyed. The device itself would be some kind of strange semi-magical destructive mechanism... doesn't really "blow up", but digs a crater to the center of the Earth instead...

    Here is a quick paint over:

    Also, here is a closer shot of the city with some street lights:

    And the same one, made to look like a toy city :) :
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    this is looking spectacular!

    I must admit, every time you show your final shot I think to myself...man...that city looks so much more impressive up close (like the last shot you posted). There's so much detail ... looks so awesome.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    r4ptur3 > I'm starting to consider this myself... I fact I'm positing an example of a totally different direction below.

    Here are a few shots form unreal editor (finally):
    The good old top view:

    The close view:

    And the new direction I was talking about. The idea is the lives of people are always in the hands of politicians, who often compare their job with a game of... ummm war. So the lives of the people living in this little city (as well as the lives of all of us) depend on the outcome of the game. I think it would be to cool to make the city look like a toy city and yet like a real one as well. Something like this:
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Love the tumbling dice idea, plays on the miniature feel it has. You could cover 'em with fire as they enter the atmosphere and make 'em more foreboding.
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    thumbs up to the close view! I like the dice idea as well :)
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    crazyfingers > Thanks! I like the fire idea, I'll see what I can do :poly121:

    r4ptur3 > Aye, close view it is! My hope is to try and pull off both views (for the two final shots), meaning I'd have to put consistent detail throughout the whole city. :smokin:
    I am a bit confused with how this whole thing is gonna work, though..

    Meanwhile I tested some variations of the key light 'n stuff:

  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Catachirsm wrote: »

    can you do a 1680 x 1050 render of that? I'd love to use that as a wallpaper.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Dig the new lighting, but i think the street's picking up a bit too much of it in the street level shot, makes it hard to follow the scene. Maybe tone down the spec on the street material?
  • zortech
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    zortech polycounter lvl 17
    This is coming along quite nice.

    The new lighting is cool, I like the highlights on the roof tops. Maybe you could fake in some bigger buildings like a church or cathedral in the background/skybox to get a more interesting skyline.
  • snakeeaterjns
    Great scene, the lights are very good.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    ZacD > Honored by the request, sir! :) Will post the screen ASAP.

    crazyfingers > Thanks! You are right. I toned it down, guess I've developed a reflex to add spec to just about anything :poly121:

    zortech > Thank you! The final shots will look down at the city, thus I'm not actually planning to use a skybox. I am planning, however to add some bigger buildings to make it more interesting. Actually, you know what, it wouldn't hurt to try a skybox on this so I'll see what I can do.

    snakeeaterjns > Thank you!

    Update... with no pic. I wasn't very happy with the way the street lights were working so I went on and made a custom light function for them, which turned out rather nicely. Then I found that UDK release and transferred over to run tests :poly124: which is what I'm still doing. Building the light for the whole city takes an hour or so. Unfortunately, I lost a day in tests, I hope it was worth it.. Results coming soon..
  • Mark Dygert
    It just keeps getting better and better. Nice work.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Vig > Thank you! :)

    ZacD> Screens added below (still not final, though).

    Well, time for the pics I mentioned in the last post. Still having troubles with the new lighting system.. and it takes much longer to see the results. Also, I had to switch off the custom light function, as it was also giving me troubles with the GI.. And yes, I still have to place a few hundred lights around the scene :poly121: Anyway:

    The good old top view (yeah I know... again):

    The side view:

    ZacD > Here are the screenshots from the same angle as before. I made a quick sky sphere, which is quite crappy, I know, but time is running fast. I'll post an update once I get more lights in there. Uploaded two color versions, coz I just couldn't decide.. :)
    Here is a smaller preview of the screenies:
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    This is awesome! Really unique choice, I think that will really standout from what I expect to see. Nice work!
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    maybe don't have every streetlamp on or in a slightly different hue because the bulb has been changed and they ran out (yeah, not very likely, but might look interesting). it might become rather monotone if everything is lit in the same color all over the city.
    great progress nontheless!
  • glaciale
    i thinks you turn down your lights
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    killingpeople > Thank you, Sir! :)

    divi > Good idea! I was planning to put some of the lights out, but now that I think of it, I was actually going to make all of them pretty much identical... :\ Some color variation would probably look nice. Also, I'm sure no justification would be needed of why some of the lights appear to be different.. street lights aren't identical even in today's cities.

    Update; the dice is now in the scene (one of them at least):

  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    that dice shader is rockin!

    watch the shadow on the left -- it makes the dice look SUPER close to the house. If you intended the dice to be so close you might want to try to get some of that red hot dice light to cast on the closest house.

    awesome work, as usual!
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    R4ptur3, I didn't intend the dice to be too close to the building, but you know what, having it cast some light on the environment sure looks cool! It'd be also nice if I can get the numbers to show up on the buildings or something. :)

    Well, here is an update. I tried making the dice cast some light like R4ptur3 said, but apparently it didn't work right. Problem is, with GI it now takes about 1-2 hours to see the results and every little click reflects on the final scene. It is very hard for me to predict how the changes I make will turn out once I hit the rebuild button. It's gonna take some tweaking I guess...

    Anyhow, side view:

    And yet another random shot:
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Die is rockin', would be great to see some house debris in the arc of a die bounce, as if it's hit the "table" and is bouncing along.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Thanks! I was about to run a physics simulation and see if I can get some houses knocked by the dice.. hope it won't take to long to figure out.. A trail of debris sounds like a good idea :)
  • r4ptur3
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    r4ptur3 polycounter lvl 10
    ah I see now! I really love the top shot, but the localized lighting in the second one kicks ass.

    Looking forward to seeing what the debris looks like!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    in the side view the dice is kinda lost in the colors of the bg and lights. Try making the glow redder.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    r4ptur3 > :)

    ZacD > You're right; I will fix that once I finalize the lighting and the dice a bit more.

    Update. Made the impact area a bit more... pronounced. Not exactly what I had in mind, but not bad. I'd have to make the street lights blasted as well and move the nearby props.


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    STRIKER polycounter lvl 14
    thats pretty intense :)
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Love the lighting, reminds me of Thief with all the rooftops.
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    STRIKER > Thanks, been trying hard you know.. :)

    Ark > Thanks! I like that game a lot (third one the most) so I take that as a really, really good thing :)

    Some update. I've been working on rather small issues such as light map artifacts, optimizations and so on. I also put lights throughout the city and made the lamp posts switchable (on/off depending on the vertex color). Those point lights do have varying properties, as a matter of fact, but it's hard to notice, meaning I'd have to make the difference more apparent.

    Side view:

    Top view:
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Pretty much final ones. I am yet to figure out the dof for the top shot. I had to add a 3rd dice since I wasn't sure if we can move stuff around. Polycount raised to about 248,000, using about 3 512x512 maps..


  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    looking great, do some damage to the buildings around that one, make some shingles fly off,
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Aye, I'll see if I can do something about that with the few polys I have left :)
    Also, I'm really trying to stay away from rebuilding the light, coz it takes some 11 hours... I hope particles will do the job.. Turns out I also have to re-render my concept image in a higher res, which takes about 5 hours as well.
    Soo I'm just sitting here, thinking if I'm looking at it, it will render faster... apparently that's not helping though..
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    OK, particles did not work at all, so I had to do it with polygons. I was also able to jedi-convince UDK there was no need to rebuild the lighting so that kinda worked as well..

  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Well that's about it. Turned out I did have to rebuild the lighting. There were a few things I wanted to try before finalizing, but...







    Spacial thanks to everyone for the feedback! And Good Luck to everyone participating in The Challenge! :)
  • Spitfire
    Very interesting how this one turned out, i like it.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    you really lost me with adding the d20 ...
  • Chrisis
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    Chrisis polycounter lvl 10
    Spitfire > Thx, I really like your entry btw!

    killingpeople > Man, where were you earlier? :poly122: If that would help, I'd have never known those existed if I didn't accidentally find one... seriously. Never ever. In fact, I've never played a dnd (well except baldur's gate, but I didn't know I was playing a dnd, because I didn't know what a dnd was). I just though it looks cooler... cool.. kinda cool, you know.. you do know, right? /silly excuses mode now off
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