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UC 2009 'END GAME' | jouste | 2D

polycounter lvl 14
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jouste polycounter lvl 14

\\\::: Mefooselah's Demise! :::///

alright let's get some cool stuff going! GLHF polcounters! i'm super stoked to enter this deal again alongside some of the best professionals in the industry. let's kick some asses!


  • nfrrtycmplx
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    nfrrtycmplx polycounter lvl 18
    Good luck dude... huge fan of your art. Looking forward to seeing your magic sauce.
  • rooster
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    Yea, really stoked to see what you got going for this. I love all your art.
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @nfrrtycmplx: the magic sauce will be served my friend! thansk for the vote of confidence! :D

    @rooster: thanks for the boost roost! always good to hear from you!

    thanks very much dude! its kind words like that that get my gears a turning. hopefully i wont let you down!

    so first idea rough, had to get it down while it was still fresh in my head.

    i was thinking games and sports and how i'm not good at any of them except one. the greatest game


    now i never was the best, but i'd like to think i was pretty good. my father never had to buy beer if there was a foosball table at the bar and people were in the mood for betting drinks.

    so i like to think that i come from a short line of incredibly awesome foosballers. and there is nothing as intense as cranking out a sweet game of foos. we actually incited a riot back at my highschool when after winning the championship tourney, the opposing team member spat on me and our fans went at their fans.

    basically the game is a big deal to me, so i am doing my UC as an homage to the worlds greatest game. here goes!


    and lo' there was a cataclysmic vibration that sundered the very threads of reality. the titanic clash of the omni-foos echoed through the annals of history a continent sized table was home to a game that's been going on so long that the players do not matter anymore.

    the twitching players splinter and hammer through spined balls and nuclear fire. the players have been firing the hellish balls back and forth for multiple millenniums, never ceasing their playing to grab a sandwich or a bathroom break the scoreboards have been keeping a stoic sentinel watch over the game to end all games.

    no living thing can recall when the table was forged, or how many galaxies worth of minerals were brought to the very first foos engineers insane enough to craft the ultimate game. all that is known is the timer has finally rolled over its ancient gears and sudden death is in effect!

    the story and sketches will keep on improving and coming! thanks for checking it out hombres! go PC!
  • shape
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    shape polycounter lvl 17
    foosball, hell yes! Performance is best between 3-5 beers.
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    This is incredible and probably the most original of all the projects! Now don't mess it up. =p
  • killahk
    sweet concept man, i like your style
  • divi
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    divi polycounter lvl 12
    at first i was very confused what happened to all the other pictures but then i realised it was a different thread!! :D
    more coolness from you = more stuff to look at for me. hopefully!

    really excited to see where this one is going.
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @shape: a most excellent equation! after the 5th beer usually everything falls to shit no matter what sport or game you are playing. that is some sound advice

    @erichwk: haha i'll do my best no to mess it up! go polycount!

    @killahk: cool cool! thanks for the boost pal! i'll be doing my best!

    @divi: yup! i'm pulling double time this project. last project i was a giant idiot and entered 3 sub-par submissions in the 2d realm and got trounced. the jouste is more focused this time around. wish me luck!

    thanks for the wicked support guys and dolls! here's a quick rough of some of the omni-foos structures that act as the "men" on the giant table. just playing around with some fun styles and crap.

    we can see that due to the length of time these structures took to build the chaotic differences are very apparent. materials and work forces crossed many generations and it resulted in an extremely random series of architecture and building styles along the length of the great playing table.
  • uneditablepoly
    Fuckin' right on, man. The characters you create have the most character of any characters I've ever seen! Haha.. Good work! Can't wait to see the rest.
  • Envelope
    weee! This is really inspiring stuff. Exciting.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    man, i love all the little details you put into your concepts
  • jouste
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    jouste polycounter lvl 14
    @uneditablepoly: thanks man! more shall be coming :D

    @envelope: woot! thanks dude! i shall get more stuff going on!

    @rooster: thanks for the boost roost! it's always awesome hearing from you! ;D

    hey all!

    so i took another bash at the layout!

    so mefooselah was the massive cosmic entity that originally ordered the table to be built. the looming square in the sky is the epic scoreboard and the great halls housed the billions upon billions of workers that it took to craft every game piece.

    the game's been going on for so long that the scoreboard displays a number not even fathomed by the great mathmatticus, the very essence of math and numbers personified in a giant fire-breathing spider.

    but the game has gone into sudden death! somehow both players were skilled enough to tie the game after so much time! now the spiny balls of shathua'llgah rattle down the field towards a massive goal; splintering the age-old limestone plates and causing faint murmurs of earthquakes to shake the ancient structures and rattle the bones of the long dead.
    more to come soon dudes! things are looking super awesome so far on polycount's front, lets get going into high gear! go PC!
  • A.Kincade
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    A.Kincade polycounter lvl 9
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    hahaha very badass, Jouste!
  • GoSsS
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    GoSsS polycounter lvl 14
    I really like this idea !
    Certainly one of my fav entry so far !
  • Sirdelita
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    Sirdelita polycounter lvl 10
    your creativity is unlimited! If I had a scouter it would probably break into a million pieces...
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I just got a chance to look at your sketchbook and it's the most interesting character art I've ever seen! It's like a mix of Castle Crashers, WoW and some space RPG that hasn't been invented yet!

    Could you share a bit on how you learned to draw them so well with such a great style? I've been wanting to take up drawing more lately before I start college and it'd be great to have some tips from someone as good as you on how to improve quickly.

    Also get to work on The Three Horseman entry! Haven't been too many updates lately. You guys have one of the best ideas and some great artists, would be a shame if you guys don't finish.
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    It pains me how full of win this is. :D
  • OggyOi!
    Looking forward to this one, love your style.
  • uneditablepoly
    I agree, I took out my scouter and it exploded... You're amazing, jouste. Really.
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