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UC 2009 'END GAME' | Stop Sucking! | 3D


Just to get my team (ie. just me;) ) on the boards... I know some of you here, most I dont... stay tuned!


  • kdm3d
    Well, the idea I came up with after a ton of brainstorming, is the idea of a city in the trees, built by kids. Think tons of tree houses all linked together by ropes and buckets and bridges. The "end game" is the sky in the background. Looking past the city, through the trees, you can see an impending doom about to befall these dendri-domiciles. Huge clouds of fire are moving towards the city. Think the movie Independence Day style clouds as the alien ships were first appearing over the cities.

    Anyway, the colors will be very drab and muted in the foreground which will contrast the sky burning with rich browns, reds and oranges.

    Highly stylized trees reminiscent of Tim Burton Movies will fill the landscape. The house them selves also look like something straight out of beetlejuice. I'm honestly tired of seeing the post apocolyptic scenes that are filled with litter everywhere and gritty and dirty. I'm moving towards a little different style.

    The idea is to place various objects around the treehouses that are important to children. Teddy bears, books, slingshots, etc. I want to make it clear that this is a play place for children. I believe that adds to the pathos of the piece, given the player more of a reason to stop this impending doom.

    My concepting skills are not the best... but below are a few sketches and thumbnails I did.

    Questions, comments, and snarkyness always welcome...
  • kdm3d
  • Joshua Stubbles
    Offline / Send Message
    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    interesting idea and concept. Look forward to seeing how it all develops.
  • IronHawk
    Offline / Send Message
    IronHawk polycounter lvl 10
    sucks... sorry man.. really.
  • Orgoth02
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    Orgoth02 polycounter lvl 9
    IronHawk wrote: »
    sucks... sorry man.. really.

    Ouch that is rough justice, but I would have to agree. It is not very epic or End Game-ish...maybe if you put meteors in the background or something lol. Good luck man
  • kdm3d
    he heh... its a long running joke between us... he works behind me and we give each other shit everyday. I'll find a reference for the "endgame" part of the deal...


    Something similar to that... encroaching on where kids are playing... seems kinda end gamey to me... thoughts?
  • Vrav
    Offline / Send Message
    Vrav polycounter lvl 11
    Sounds good to me! It's almost identical to one of my first ideas, which was a playground from my childhood, long since razed, surrounded by a blazing sunset and hot lava. (Did anyone else play that game as a kid?) Here's a reference photo I found and particularly liked. Perhaps it will inspire you on the structural side of things. [link]
  • kdm3d
    I love it, yeah, thank you... almost looks like my treehouse concept:)
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