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Now for something completely different.. Rice Cookers.

polycounter lvl 18
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oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
Does anyone have any suggestions on a good quality made and cooking rice cooker? I have gone through three so far.

First two were Elites.
3 cup. Worked fine, tiny bit over or under cooked. But burnt out after the third cooking.
8 cup. Too large and then burnt the small 1/2 cup of rice I was using.
Oster 10 Cup. Too large, nice no stick pot, so when my rice did invariable burn easier to clean.

Non of these were bought by me. Gave money to housemate to do since he had easier access to get around. Though he only ended up shopping from one store, and not understanding cheaper price = shit. Nor that bigger does not always mean better. So after I get this Oster returned and give him a little extra for his wasted time. I found some Japan made Tigers at a local asian grocery nearby.

100+ Expensive, but quality to me is worth it.


or this one.


Basically 4 versus 3 cup. I think with either I should be safe with cooking half cups? Or am I wrong? I usually cook black or brown rices. Not white. Are these good for this from anyone in the know?


  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    Yeah, if you're not spending $130+ on one, it will not keep your rice good in "warm" mode and just burn it. That Tiger one is fine.
  • MikeF
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    MikeF polycounter lvl 19
    i've always wondered what the need for a rice cooker really is beyond the uses in a commercial kitchen. Pot of water and a burner for 20 minutes has always delivered the best rice in my book
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    i just use a pot, 1 to 2 rice to water ratio, heat to boil, then simmer for 20 min
    always great rice since i'm on mega budget i eat rice about 4 nites of the week, in fact last nite i made some yummy bbq pork rice that was fantastic
  • mrsincredible
    I've had my Tiger for 7+ years and it feeds my fam of 4 on a regular basis. It has a non stick pot so you have to be careful not to scratch the coating. Use only plastic or wood rice paddles to scoop the cooked rice out.

    If you don't cook much rice each time, get the smaller pot size. This could be the big reason why you always get burnt rice. Larger heat surface area + shorter depth of rice in pot = more chance of overheating and burning.

    I'm pretty sure most rice cookers have a spring in the bottom and it guages cooking times based on the weight. Probably gets more accurate cooking times the heavier it is as opposed to lighter.

    If you still have a functioning rice cooker, you might just try cooking a larger batch (to test burning) and then just refrigerate the leftovers for next time.

    edit: Cheapest Tiger on Amazon was $72 + $11.25 S/H. It's a 5.5 cup capacity.

    Zojirushi is another good Japanese brand. Amazon has a 3 cup capacity for $43, free shipping.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
    I don't like leftover rice. Dont know why. Like it fresh. Go figure. And cooking on stove top?

    1. Not as efficient since you have the heat being lost at the edge of the burner.
    2. You have to be there to take it off in 20 minutes or 10 to stir. Sometimes Im deep working on projects in my room to remember or hear a timer. Or you know "I'll go right after I finish this little bit". 5 minutes later you have burnt food.

    Sounds like Tiger it is, though can I get the 4 cup and use 1/2 a cup? Or will I need to stick with the 3 cup then? I'm getting it so my housemates can use as well, and one of them said they would like to be able to cook for them and their boyfriend.
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18

    edit: Cheapest Tiger on Amazon was $72 + $11.25 S/H. It's a 5.5 cup capacity.

    Zojirushi is another good Japanese brand. Amazon has a 3 cup capacity for $43, free shipping.

    Thanks for the links, but the ones I linked too are made in Japan. Might as well buy local as well to support local economy. Yes, I am biased against Chinese outsourced. Yes, I will willingly pay more for quality and something that will last decades versus ending up in a trash heap. If more Westerners were willing to look at quality over quantity, I think we would all be better off from economics to environment (there I said it).

    Also read some tips online elsewhere, and you don't want one that uses a glass top. You want one that seals, and cooks all around versus just on the bottom for best results.
  • Rwolf
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    Rwolf polycounter lvl 18
    Tiger worked great, then my parents borrowed it and burnt it. (Burner was pitch black, non-stick pot black too)
    I have a Zojirushi now, works fine.

    Think my parents go through a few rice cookers, since they use it to make curry, soup, sticky rice, etc.
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    mmmm... rice and BBQ chicken sounds pretty nice right now :)

    steam some veggies as well... MMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Slash
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    Slash polycounter lvl 19
    I never saw the point of a rice cooker personally, since cooking the rice usually takes about the same amount of time as preparing whatever goes with it. And after i discovered how easy it is to make super awesome sushi myself i've pretty much switched to sticky rice only, and i don't know how well a rice cooker would handle that.

    That being said, i only really replied to chime in on how awesome tiger is. I never tried their rice cookers, but when it comes to thermoses - holy shit! They da bomb! My father still brings his 20 year old tiger thermos to work, and it keeps his coffe hot through the day. Its banged up as fuck, but still going strong.
  • rolfness
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    rolfness polycounter lvl 18
    rice cookers are awesome, you can more than just rice in them,can be a makeshift steamer if setup properly (and cook rice at the same time.)
    You can make rice porridge in it too

    Ive cooked rice in various ways, in pots microwaves but for a chinaman rice cookers get a texture that cant really be replicated for some reason.
  • boyluya
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    boyluya polycounter lvl 10
    We don't use rice cookers here. Just an ordinary pot, pour in the same amount of rice and water(2 cups of rice = 2 cups of water), put the lid on, boil it for about 30mins, turn off the fire and let it cook for 5 more minutes and then boom!! You got yourself delicious rice that you can pair with anything. :)

    We also use banana leaves.
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    we must be using different types of rice boyluya, 35 mins would result in rice pudding for me!
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 15
    MikeF wrote: »
    i've always wondered what the need for a rice cooker really is beyond the uses in a commercial kitchen. Pot of water and a burner for 20 minutes has always delivered the best rice in my book
    Yeah, go ahead and leave that same pot on for the rest of the day? If you eat shit-tons of rice (70+lbs) a month and with every meal a rice cooker is awesome. Also, it has a timer. Put rice with water in there before I go to bed, and when I wake up, there's rice ready in the morning. Put rice on while cooking dinner, free's up space. We only have a two burner stove here (normal). Rice is always hot and ready. Good rice cookers don't let it get crazy soggy through the day.

    Go to the kitchen, pop in some rice, water and a curry cube with some carrot slivers. Hit the timer for 5:30am. Go to bed. Wake up to awesome curry rice. Wrap it up in nori and pop it in for obento, eat one on the way to the rice fields... to get more rice. Circle of life.

    I could totally go for some biko. Thanks Boyluya.
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