I imagine like myself a fair few of you think 1k plus is a tad steep for a tablet/screen hybrid painting solution and may have been watching to see how the tablet market has been coming along. Well i saw this http://www.engadget.com/2009/09/28/archos-9-confirmed-for-october-22nd-with-499-price-tag/ on engadget today showing that the Archos 9 has a confirmed date and price and it looks pretty decent.
I don't know, it's too early to tell. So far Wacom hasn't had any challengers to the tablet throne (sure, there's been pretenders but most of my friends regret buying them when they crap out after a few years)
Archos make some of the best MP3 players around IMO, should be interesting to see what their tablet is like. They're going to have to work hard to be any kind of serious competion for Wacom though.