Hi out there!
I am looking for an artist helping on Blibs, a puzzle-action-adventure.
The team already consist of: me! This is NOT a mmorpg or a project that can not be finished. Man, there isn't even a webpage! There will be no big team, just the two of us for a long time. This is a hobby-project and the main goal is fun and creativity. This will be NO big huge game with no gameplay but a little small gem with a fantastic story, great gameplay and heart which people will enjoy. Btw I know what I am doing

and yes, I have the necessary endurance.
The idea for this game was born about 10 years ago. I did some concept art and graphics and found a programmer working on a similar title. Together we created a alpha-version in which a lot of publishers were interested. But then he saw an opportunity as we found new team members, did another game to show on the games convention and then joined with another group working on a full-price title. Sadly the team broke up two years later. I was the only one doing game development as a hobby, all the rest is working in the game industry now. Recently I decided to go back to Blibs. This time I wanted to be completely independent and decided to do the code myself. Unfortunately I am a little bit out of practice doing graphics and want to concentrate on the coding.
So I am looking for someone:
- doing the concept art
- modeling characters and level-parts
- texturing all that stuff
- doing animation
- design the GUI
- and if you still don't feel overworked, help on the gamedesign if you want

This is as already said a hobby project. A lot is already done, the main game mechanics already work, so you can go your own speed. If it's slow, no problem! If it's fast, fine! If it takes you years, hey better than no help!
And how good do you have to be? Everything can be learned (except flying maybe

) but a good sense for graphical design has to be already there.
Okay and now for all wondering what I am talking about: Blibs
In this game you take control of a little alien. You will be stuck in a hugh labyrinth. Making your way through this labyrinth works a little bit like in super metroid or castlevenia where you gain new skills or get items with which you can enter new areas. There will be enemies, but far less. They will be more a challenge than cannon fodder. Action won't be the main part. The thing that will make Blibs big are the puzzles. The levels are filled with crates to move, switches to press and so on. The levels themselves and all that they contain is script-based, you can even design new objects, insert them into the level and make them interact with other objects. And the best: this works on runtime! For example a bomb explodes and ignites a crate. You press a switch for example five times and the water level rises and quenches the fire. You can design all this and far more crazy objects and interaction by script and it will be done!
I love the Japanese RPG stories. Blibs will have one. Each character is of a very special design and has it's own background and intentions. The story-board is big and still growing.
I haven't worked on the visuals very much. Hey this will be your job

I have a link to some screenshots, some character studies and even some gameplay videos but I have to warn, Blibs looks ugly at the moment. I use the Ogre 3d-engine and it can do great visuals. I am not using them at the moment, not because i can't. Blibs will have shaders, real-time shadows and all that blink-blink, but first the game mechanics have to be implemented and the gameplay has to work 100%. Nearly everything in the game has the same texture at the moment and the animations have bugs, so PLEASE help make Blibs as beautiful as it should and can be.
And now the character study and screenshots:
And the videos:
Part1 - some basic gameplay with crates and moving panels
Part2 - scripting example
Part3 - adventure-like dialogs (german, but will be english in next version)
Part4 - you can control two characters and switch any time for comination puzzles
Part5 - climbing ladders and stuff like that
Part6 - the inventory
Part7 - conveyor belts
Part8 - slipping on ice
Part9 - water
I hope you get a picture of what Blibs can look and be like even though you can just see a brown texture at the moment. Seeing the potential is the first test if you want to join :poly121:
If you do so: