This is my werewolf. He has many problems, But they're not my fault. I think my copy of Zbrush has a glitch where it makes werewolves have crappy anatomy. Just look at his abs...and ribs... and bendy/twisty forearms! My God! Look at his teeth, it's like I didn't even care to give him a full set! Poor guy. And why does he have zits? Anyways... I made this model for much practice in Maya and Zbrush. It's the first model Ive built using a base mesh that wasn't just a block model, and the first full body model Ive built with any sort of organized topology(organized is used loosely here). Please let me know what you think, cause I need all the criticism possible right now.:)
mesh low
Ha, yeah! I posted this a week or two on Zbrush's forums (terrible forum for critiqs...or lack of crits rather) and the only comment I recieved was that it looked like a weremouse! Well, I did make this without any refs used, so there's was my first mistake... should have researched wolf ears suppose... although just thinking about it... wolf ears are cute:poly142:.