After a long stint of freelancing the time has come to "get a real job", and so I'm really happy to announce that come Thursday, I'll be the latest addition to Team ICO at SCEI here in Tokyo, working on the upcoming "The Last Guardian". I'm psyched!
ooh thats a really cool project and team to be part of I'm thinking about buying a ps3 when that comes out (of course its not the only game I want on the PS3, but it is one of them ) grats!
Wow, that's pretty cool rasmus! Congrats!
Was it hard to get hired as a foreigner in Japan ? I've really been wondering about that, I'd think it might not be easy even if you have the skills.
Rens, Ben Apuna, Tumerboy, hobodactyl, Snowfly, Quokimbo, Xenobond, gaganjain, Peris: Thanks a lot fellas!
Xoliul: Thanks man - About getting hired as a foreigner here, I don't know, in my experience there doesn't really seem to be a big deal about it. I'd like to think that as long as you can speak Japanese alright and can do the work, you're good.
Wow, working for Team Ico will be an incredible experience I'm sure. I'm guessing that with a surname like Deguchi that you already know some japanese already? I'd be really interested to hear what working for a Japanese dev is like because you don't tend to hear much about the inner workings of the studios there.
Very very excited for you buddy, been a fan of your work for awhile, and its good to hear you got onto a very talented team working on whats more then just a game, its fricken Art in motion.
bounchfx, Nick Carver, Lamont, Jeremy-S, ZacD, TeriyakiStyle, jocose, GCMP, soulstice, mat, JasonLavoie, Jasp, LoM Chaos, TheMadArtist, Renaud Galand, divi, Frump, Emil Mujanovic, 00Zero, konstruct: Thanks again everyone, I'll make the most of it. Position-wise I aim to be doing my best on environments and anything else I can get my dirty foreign hands on
c0ldhands: hehe, thanks, but let me live up to doing the project honor, first
Ben: Thanks dude
Was it hard to get hired as a foreigner in Japan ? I've really been wondering about that, I'd think it might not be easy even if you have the skills.
Xoliul: Thanks man - About getting hired as a foreigner here, I don't know, in my experience there doesn't really seem to be a big deal about it. I'd like to think that as long as you can speak Japanese alright and can do the work, you're good.
that's my most anticipated game at the moment, I'm sure you'll have a great time!
Wow, working for Team Ico will be an incredible experience I'm sure. I'm guessing that with a surname like Deguchi that you already know some japanese already? I'd be really interested to hear what working for a Japanese dev is like because you don't tend to hear much about the inner workings of the studios there.
Best of luck with it all!
Congrats dude !
jk, Congrats.
congratulations and good luck
I hope you learn a shit-ton of awesome!
i miss tokyo :-/
Big congrats, man!
What position will you be in on the project, if you know, and don't mind me asking?