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autobak in maya?

polycount sponsor
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malcolm polycount sponsor
Which is the best autobak after market script for maya, I want it to be magical like the max one.


  • fade1
    Offline / Send Message
    fade1 polycounter lvl 14
    i modified one from highend3d. it's simple and works on number of scene changes. there are a couple of parameters you can modifiy.


    hope this helps...
  • MoP
    Offline / Send Message
    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    I've got a half-developed one based on a Python timer script and Rob Galanakis' custom 3dsmax autoback script, which adjusts time intervals based on file size so it's not constantly interrupting your work every 5 minutes on an intense scene.

    I need to find time to finish it up, I think it was close to done, just needs some final testing and bug fixes - will see if I can get it sorted this weekend.
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