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WIP - Female Anatomy Practice

Hey chaps,

i've done some female anatomy work recently as I find its an aspect I struggle with and so far i'm at the following stage:



I wanted to keep her clothing quite simplified to help show off most of her figure and surface anatomy. However, ive got to the stage now where I think I'm ready for some feedback.

I was going for a toned figure whilst keeping the surface definition quite subtle. I want to do a low poly version of this so the high poly will be used to generate a normal map.

Thanks in advance.


  • NiGHTS2o06
    I've done a bit of modification on this however i'm still not convinced whether I should take the jump and start working on the low poly yet.

  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I'm no expert, but one thing that seems a bit odd. The jaw line coming down from the ear, you wouldn't have that so much, it needs to be a lot softer, blended in more, I think. The face looks a bit like a mask in that top view.
  • Taylor Hood
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Her shoulders/neck look too manly
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    Hi, good work. I am no expert either but I have some suggestions if you don't mind:


    Keep it up :)

    EDIT: In the second post, I think the point where the collar bones meet should be somewhat lower also. And maybe a little bit shorten the neck? Still just suggestions here :)
  • neon_swarm
    Hey there Baj, I had a play with the image using liquify and adjusted it a bit. The first of the three images is my liquify adjustment and the other two are two different renders provided by you.


    I think what is happening with the second image of the three is you are adding weight to the hips to try and make her look more feminine, this just makes her look more out of proportion especially as the shoulders appear to be too close to gether. I would tone the muscles down and make the arms a bit thinner. The third image from the waist down is similar to my liquify with a few subtle changes, namely leg thickness, the height of the knees and I made the feet slightly thinner. I think you are on the right track with this one but need to work on the upper body. I think the shoulders are too thin, you might be subconsciously making them less broad to try and enhance the femininity when maybe the muscles need to be toned down. The neck might be a bit long on the far right image, I think it is slightly too long on my liquify version. Anyway I have to sleep as there is work in the morning!

    Hope this helps.
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