Hey man, good to see you start one at last - is really interesting looking at some of the older threads here and seeing just how much people progress through their threads.
Digging the lovebot, was this inspired by the lovebot from MarshMonkey's Kart game/
Lighting is nice, how long did you spend on this one?
well, i thought my ashley wood girl sucked so bad I went and spent a bit longer on another pic. I hate her face . How the fuck do you draw a pretty face from below. I think while I'm stealing so hard I might go chuck some HPX into the mix next time
You know I'm a fanboy of your work. What I've love to see is some more colour variation in some of your pieces. A lot of is very mono-chromatic.
Your last two pieces seem to be heading in that direction, especially the earthworks.jpg one.
Lampoly: love your work, so thanks for that! not sure to be honest, I have some kind of story he's part of but its really vague and I don't know what to do with it.
Emil: yeah, I agree. Part of that is down to preference, I quite like keeping it simple and playing on two or so main colours, but sketchbooks aren't just about staying in the comfort zone, right?
I didn't go wild with colour in this next brainfart, but hopefully there's something a bit more interesting anyway:
edit: wish I'd fixed his proportions! fack it
I think the latest one misses the loose background movement you've added to most of the other sketches though. Especially considering the pose he's in.
cheers man, yeah I agree about the bgs. even if its just flat colour, but with some marks and strokes mixed in it feels more alive or 'autentic'
was going to tweak it, but the tweaks look worse hah. I'll have a look tomorrow
the back, shoulders and neck are weird, I just drew over a loose sketch without really trying to correct it. lesson learned!
Nice sketching, like your choice of colors, but there is something with your paintings that bothers me. Don't really know what but they look kind of unsharp to me. Also the proportions on the cowboy looks a little off to me.
You've got some wicked color usage man. The style's loose, and undefined which I'm not normally into. But it's got a cool flow to it. And I feel like I could learn a lot from the colors.
It's inspiring me to do an Ellis piece...or Bill...
Tiny little crit not worth mentioning to be honest. But the brush you've use to paint some white on the wall, lower left. I'd personally have an angle jitter on at 100% for a brush like that. Kinda sticks out in the scene a bit for me... might be the look you're after though so ignore me if so.
-Ricky: cheers man! agree about the brush- that's one of my block in brushes which isn't supposed to make it to the light of day, I just got lazy heh
-thanks for the crit Lampoly! and thankyou for the link to your instructor's blog, I love his work straight into favourites! I'm jealous you were tought by someone with such talent.
I totally agree with you. I see that one as more like an underpainting for a piece which gets the core 'mood' of the concept rather than something to call finished. These are all drawings as exercises, so it's the process of making them that's valuable to me much more than the picture. Having said that, if I don't take any to completion I'll always be missing that part of the skill, and like you say anyone browsing my sketches sees them at face value..
thanks again for the crit, it's all taken on board
blah, another dude in the same position as like 3 others. need to put more thought into my poses. sod it- trying to do something every night, if its the choice between something or nothing then i choose something :P
You could always just spend a night doing silhouettes. Not only is it fun and easy - but it has that oh-so-generic "look I'm an artist" feel when you're done!
So long as you're learning, that's the important thing. I'd rather see a page of lizardman, regular man, rocketman, android - all in the same position, than a single page of those damned "posemaniac" gesture studies. Pah!
hey man, thanks . I agree about the booster, however it's for a game design and all the bullets are hot, orange-yellow-white. The booster is blue so that when it fires the player can't confuse it with gunfire
you're sense of color is super unique - in a great way.. I dig it.. in a world filled with darkness and dreary tones (aka a lot of stuff nowadays) its cool to see this stuff.
Digging the lovebot, was this inspired by the lovebot from MarshMonkey's Kart game/
Lighting is nice, how long did you spend on this one?
don't ask why his zips the wrong way round
(new comp and tablet, its taking me a while to get all the settings comfy
And amazing hard surface painting on the lovebot
loving it roo, post more of your cool guys! : )
this guy:
is a reworking of this guy (v. old concept):
and this dude I already posed in WAYWO but here he is for the record
Your last two pieces seem to be heading in that direction, especially the earthworks.jpg one.
Keep pimping, mate.
Emil: yeah, I agree. Part of that is down to preference, I quite like keeping it simple and playing on two or so main colours, but sketchbooks aren't just about staying in the comfort zone, right?
I didn't go wild with colour in this next brainfart, but hopefully there's something a bit more interesting anyway:
edit: wish I'd fixed his proportions! fack it
I think the latest one misses the loose background movement you've added to most of the other sketches though. Especially considering the pose he's in.
Anyhoo...keep em coming
was going to tweak it, but the tweaks look worse hah. I'll have a look tomorrow
the back, shoulders and neck are weird, I just drew over a loose sketch without really trying to correct it. lesson learned!
Keep it up
Good deal, keep it up.
It's inspiring me to do an Ellis piece...or Bill...
Tiny little crit not worth mentioning to be honest. But the brush you've use to paint some white on the wall, lower left. I'd personally have an angle jitter on at 100% for a brush like that. Kinda sticks out in the scene a bit for me... might be the look you're after though so ignore me if so.
-thanks for the crit Lampoly! and thankyou for the link to your instructor's blog, I love his work
I totally agree with you. I see that one as more like an underpainting for a piece which gets the core 'mood' of the concept rather than something to call finished. These are all drawings as exercises, so it's the process of making them that's valuable to me much more than the picture. Having said that, if I don't take any to completion I'll always be missing that part of the skill, and like you say anyone browsing my sketches sees them at face value..
thanks again for the crit, it's all taken on board
edit: hate posting in here without any piccies:
So long as you're learning, that's the important thing. I'd rather see a page of lizardman, regular man, rocketman, android - all in the same position, than a single page of those damned "posemaniac" gesture studies. Pah!
Keep at it.
I really dig the textured effect on the lizard guy - is this in Painter or PS?
It'd be really interesting to see a bunch timelapses of people's drawings from this Sketchbook forum and see how people approach things.
Love the chunkyness
Your car is like, desert version of twisted metal
military vehicles (M-ATV) http://images.google.co.uk/images?um=1&hl=en&tbs=isch%3A1&sa=1&q=matv&aq=f&oq=&start=0
vw beetle http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=vw%20beetle&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
and formula off-road http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&source=hp&q=formula%20off%20road&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wi
i also posted an early version in WAYWO