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Project Restriction -Unreal 3 scene/map WIP

Hey, I was so inspired by Abanonded Colony that I had like a huge urge to make a small scene of my own for my portfilio after knowing I really wanted to do environment/hardsurface work. So I made a thread about wether a map in ut3 would be a really good showcase for my skill in that engine and the props I make. It was really well recieved so I decided and go ahead with making "Project restriction"

Environment Project LomChaos Taylor Hood

Name: Project Restriction

An economy burnt to the ground, a government corrupt, a city in riot. The small fraction left of the government, tainted as it was, wanted answers to serious crimes commited within local areas and they were going to question everyone they could find and torture them till answers surfaced. In 2041 the US sign a coallition with the Restriction Federal Agreement society to keep the rioters in place. There plan, to unleash sentinal drones out to major hotspots in cities all over the states. They would soon become infested with Sentinels. Carefully watching and recording every move by every citezen.

Protesters, activists and exstremists gathered daily to discuss matters and came up with the ESF the "Eradication of Sentinel Foes" as they were breaching personal space and for fear of humans becoming nothing more than rats who scurried trying not to be seen in the light.
The protesters decide to start a riot at the major corporate mansion.
Mood : Humid
Colors : Grey, Yellow, Green

VIEW : Mansion, CCTV Mech, CCTV sign - more to come.



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