Modelled the head few days ago, desided to continue with him for awhile and try to make a game model (not the full body tho).
Started sculping on him.. still need alot of work.
Will be scared/disfigured on one side (Kinda like Volgin from MGS3), maby blind on one eye (eye partially closed or something).
Any crits/questions are appreciated, I know my anatomy sucks.
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That said, the triangle underneath his eye is setting my "bad edge-loop" sense tingling.
Digging the scar.
End result is so and so, but that was somewhat expected.
The textures are kind of hit and miss. The eyes are too blue and his iris/pupil seem a bit small. His neck is unusually tan? His scar looks a bit like a radiation burn?
With a scar like that he better have a hook for a hand, a super spy tied to a bomb and some super hawt female assassin lackey.
Know hes hat could use some more polys, but it didnt annoy my eye too much.