A nice trojan to hijack anyone's machine who visits. iFrames are nice, but a huge security risk to the site. Below is a trojan injected into a PC members site, which is linked from his sig0. Names have been hidden and the member alerted.
I am sure a few of you have clicked the link to this person's site. Update yer virus scanners and check yer comps.
a fack... got a virus
I want ZEE names... and wantzem NOW!
If so someone give me free webspace!
Off Topic:
Blaizer, I like how your 3D sections has mouseover image popups, but your Game art doesn't (at least the first two images don't) you should make it like the 3D section mouse over. I am using Opera if it works on other browsers then oh well .
ps: the vista x64 firewall selection is not nice, currently have comodo but it's nothing like sygate was when I had xp
But the site is not wordpress. I told an admin before I went to bed.
I have had a similar problem with wordpress in Dreamhost. The support was fast and they solved the problem. I'm not a fan of plugins for wordpress, so i didn't imagine what could have happened.
So, if an antivirus is saying you got an iframe trojan... just browse the code and search "iframe". There should be a line of code pointing to a remote server, an iframe code you didn't write. Replacing the html files should have solved the problem :S, Support of your hosting should help, i'm sure they have a form for infections/viruses threads. All hostings should make a daily scan...
S!nz, i'm working in a new website, that's old and will be renoved :P