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Head topology crits

polycounter lvl 17
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Jembo polycounter lvl 17
Hey all,

I'm currently working on a simple, slightly fantastical human head and I was looking for some crits on my topology. There's still a fair amount to be done on the shaping/anatomy of the head, but feel free to make any suggestions there too. Mainly though, crits on my topology would be appreciated, so let's have 'em!





Thanks guys!


  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    ya looks good, only thing is i would maybe change/add some edge loops to go right over the nostrils, across the nose, and down to the chin. so it's one giant loop that circles the nose and mouth, essentially. i see you have an odd loop from the top lip around the nostril and then into the nostril, you can alternatively just continue that loop into the eye. it's a c-loop from the eye to the top lip (just under the nose) to the other eye. it could clean up that area a bit
  • PeterK
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    PeterK greentooth
    Please refer to this:


    and this:


    There are too many loops, and the big one connecting the sides of the mouth to the brow ridge should be redone entirely. You can, and should, reduce the polygon count by more than half and get a better result.

    Cheers mate,
  • Jembo
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    Jembo polycounter lvl 17
    Thanks guys, this advice really helps. Definitely agreed about the polycount and that - I took the quick and nasty approach to trying to get rid of as many tri's as possible by adding more loops and polys, and as it stands as a game character head (should've mentioned that actually), the poly count is clearly waaaay too high.

    Just to clarify, when you say the loop from the side of the mouth over the brow needs fixing, do you mean that it shouldn't form that sort of "L", corner shape around the side of the jaw? I'm looking at that now and noticing it should probably have much more of a curve?

    Anyway, thanks guys, and any more feedback of any kind would be great.

  • Jembo
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    Jembo polycounter lvl 17
    Hey chaps, I'm back with a new head! I tried redoing the one from my above post, but it got tricky so I decided to have a go at a new one. I *think* I'm getting to grips with the shapes and whatnot, but please let me know how it's looking in terms of good topology standards. Also, as before, feel free to crit the anatomy too.

    Thanks guys!





  • praxedes
    Aside from topology, you have a proportional problem which appears in both your models- everything below the base of the nose is significantly smaller than the nose and evreything upwards. Try covering each part of the face separately at the nose and you'll see what I mean- the lower jaw and mouth look like they are on a model about 50% smaller than everything else. The transition between the two halves of the face give you that "egg" look that you are getting.

    The nose also looks long in profile and the eyes are wider apart than they should be for their size.

    You still have a lot of geometry there too. Did you use PeterK's refs- they are excellent and using them would resolve both topology and proportion issues. I've already saved them for my next head project! I would also recommend Drawing on the right Side of the Brain which features a very good breakdown of the proportional landmarking of the head.

    Good luck with the changes

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