Hi there,
I'm sure this question has been asked a million times before, apologies if it has.
Also, I'm a beginner... in case it wasn't already apparent.
I'm trying to create an Oil Drum, something I've never actually done which is surprising since the 'rusted oil drum' seems somewhat of a staple of next-gen game assets.
I went into it thinking it would be easy, and I've already hit problems.
Why are the indentations and top and bottom lips wavy rather than straight!
I've tried using a cage, geometry projection and also xNormal, all to no avail.
I don't really want to chamfer the edges at the top and bottom, but even if I did, that wouldn't solve the indents that run round the upper and lower sections of it.
Advice would be great please.
Many thanks in advance.
now seriously, use the search function its has ben discussed like a thousands times here
check http://www.poopinmymouth.com (its not porn) Ben Mathis has a part of his tutorial that explains this issue, and how to avoid.
How did Neox get your model? I'm confused as to what his post is about.
I had a feeling it had been mentioned once or twice.
I've managed to get it a lot closer by altering the projection, but not as good as Neox has done.
I'm guessing that was photoshop fixed Neox, would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of the thread that explains fixing a cylindrical based NM in Photoshop? I'm pretty sure you did that with more than a steady hand, and that there's a methodical way of doing it.
what i did is just take the first pixel collumn of your cylindersides and stretched it to fit there. of yourse that doesn't always work, especially if you have more complex shapes on the cylinder... however here is a thread covering it, and i think there are plenty others
Also thanks Bad Spleen, I've just had a read through the Ben Mathis tut on Normal Mapping and there are some great tips in there.
Thanks again.
Ok I've got the ridges around the edge sorted, a bit of messing around in xNormal and Photoshop got them looking nice.
However, I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out how to get the top and bottom lips looking smooth. How in the world did this guy achieve this:
Those top and bottom pieces are like perfectly round! I'm getting very faceted circles which look horrible on the low poly.
Sorry to be such a full on noob here but I just don't even know where to start in achieving a smooth lip around the top and bottom.
I posted this image in the other similar thread that Neox linked to. Mr.Salvador went with the right one, which more or less simulates a added bevel in my mind. Compare the example 2 and 3 in this image and you'll probably see what I mean.
When I said 'perfectly round' I just meant the top and bottom in the normal map, I agree it still doesn't look perfect on the mesh.
Well with a combination of some great help on here, far more time than I would have liked to have spent messing around in xNormal, Max and PS, I have managed to ge a semi-decent result. I think I'm gonna try and hide the little normal map imperfections left with the diffuse.
It's for my workshop WIP which is in the P&P section so pics will be in there eventually.
I can definitely say I will never underestimate the cylinder again, as I now know it has the potential to ruin ones day.
Thanks again for the help everyone!