frustratingly cant figure this one out, i just need to select all the border edges of all the uv islands. i need it so that i can use it to create a high poly smoothed mesh and im going to use the mapping as hard edges...
thanks in advance, your so great

contract selection in UVeditor ( minus button)
invert selection
convert vertToEdge selection
of course it can also be scritped
edit - doesnt work cant shrink selection if all verts in shell are selected
i was sure if you have an edge selection in a uvw editor modifier that when you collapsed the stack it saved the selection, but its not doing it for me today.
Edit: Your last comment - It does remember the last selections. So yeh, that's one way.
Neox, that was a joke right?
I was not behind a computer - I had a similar trick used in some related issue with my texTools somewhere. But it seems that it does not contract the selection towards the outer edges the way you would usually expect it.
Anyway since I like you I wrote a script for you- its not fast but it should do the job for you:
1 for vertices
2 for edges
3 for borders
4 for polys
5 for elements/uv islands
And any shortcuts you have set up in editable poly that can be used in the UV editor should match, like target weld, collapse, select loops etc.
That includes converting between selections by ctrl clicking.
PolyUnwrapper will actually do that for you (and has open edge detection)
There it sits, unfinished and unproductive.
/slow clap.
You're talking about an application that has several default shortcuts for 'Ctrl-S' - only one of which is 'save file'. The keyboard shortcuts in max, and the interface to reassign them, are one of it's worst features.
If you select one border edge and start hitting "grow selection" in the UV editor it will grow the selection along the edge until you have the whole shell border selected. But this isn't anything like 'select shell border' in maya.