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WIP - Senile Caricature

polycounter lvl 10
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ralusek polycounter lvl 10

Here we go. Got a few more alphas to lay down, and i'm gonna touch up the ear...then it'll be about time to texture captain grumpy over here. maybe get some animations in by the end of the week. they'll be extra sad

here is mesh:

granted not the best place to have slipup in edge loop. i honestly don't know how i missed that vertex.

looking for all critique, be brutal. i'm not going to learn being treated like a nancy


  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
    That should be easy enough to fix. just cut straight down to join the two left corners of the triangles and then delete the angled ones.

    The sculpt looks like it could use some more work on the forms of the face, but you're off to a good start.
  • Bad Spleen
    The eye sockets need to bulge more, remember that the eye ball is actually much bigger than what we see externally, and it also surrounded by muscles.

    Also continue sculpting around the entire head, nothing worse (well I'm sure there are some thing in fact) than a sculpt that has has lots of detail on the face, through to an unsculpted head.

  • Mark Dygert
    Interesting start. I think you might have rushed past the forms and gone into the detailing a bit prematurely. He definitely needs a neck and some eyes, its hard to get a sense of character and its hard to sculpt eye sockets without them.

    Someone suggested once starting off with a skull under the base mesh to help hang flesh and nail muscles, fat and skin as well as proportions. Even for stylized characters it can probably help, nothing stopping you from deforming the skull before starting... could be useful.
  • SyncViewS
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    SyncViewS polycounter lvl 13
    Nose and ears keep growing during the whole life, while lips and in general every soft tissue like cheeks gets thinner. Chin should look prominent because gums gets thinner too and bring back teeth. If you're going for a caricature, maybe you should exaggerate these traits.

  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    thanks guys, will try to address as many of these as i can. a thing to note is that the eyes undersized is a part of the caricature. i will try to get those alphas laid in to get some detail on more than just the face, cause that does look weird. and ya, the lips could lose some mass, good call
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    quick update, about done with alphas now.

    playing around with eye effect to get a good idea for cataracts =P. needs moar milk.

  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    alright here we go. blind in one eye, tried to give his other one a nicer feel. still milked it up a little bit, because it was looking too clean. got a new mat in there and laid down some colors
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    those eyes are creepy. if you want to get a more older look to him, why not add deeper wrinkles? all of these small wrinkle make him look dried/scarred, not old.
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    an interesting point, i'll look into it
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    alright i deepened wrinkles a bit...and have furthermore made my first normal map ever!

    i realize that unwrap is probably unorthodox and inefficient in many ways, but it seemed logical enough and it's not like i don't have the room to do it :D.

    i got low poly looking good with normal applied in blender render, but now i have to figure out how to bake shadow/polypaint/materials in zbrush onto my uv. alas, a new adventure
  • ralusek
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    ralusek polycounter lvl 10
    there it is.
    4k poly w/ normal map. thanks for patience etc while i figured this whole process out, i think it's time to move on to finishing more projects.
  • johnnixon
    Hi Ralusek
    Just joined the forum and found your thread. I'm much less experienced in head modelling than the rest of you guys, but was impressed with your model. Could you please give me some advice? I noticed you mentioned blender and Zbrush - what software did you make the mesh in? It seems to have texture already - did you you use a bump or displacement map, or something else, and did you use masks? You did a normal map - can this be used in a graphics package to produce wrinkles etc on another layer and then put back somehow without fiddling with Unwrap UVW?
    I hope this was OK to put on your thread, as it seems to me to be relevant.
  • johnnixon
    Me again, Ralusek
    Since posting have discovered that you can export a template from Unwrap UVW to a graphics package, create and edit layers, bring it back into a material and it sits fair and square in the right place on the model, so I'm sorted there. However, still very interested in how you did your model.
    Cheers, John
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