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Hey Guys!

Hey Guys! i discovered your website Via Dominance war competition, i checked you guys out and just had to register straight away, i had a quick look around the forum and i have to say the creations i have seen have been mind blowing and extremely inspirational i hope i to can become a valid member of your community over the next few years.

Here is a little about myself, My real name is Joe im 19 and tomorrow (saturday 19th) im moving to Derby Uni to study 3d modeling and animation for games, im really really excited to go to Uni and enhance my skills. For the past to years ive been studying games design at collage, and for about a year before that i started my interest in 3d. I hope by the end of my University education to get a job in the games industry or the special effects industry myself.

My skills as a 3d artist are not amazing yet, in comparison to the stuff i have seen on dominance war and here, rightly so that stuff is just beyond incredible!

I really hope my time here will give me some much needed inspiration (everyone wants more inspiration, its what keeps the creativity flowing)
and hopefully some help along the way if im ever stuck with a project or what not :)

Im excited to be apart of this community and i hope in time to become a valid member and grow with it as much as i can.

Thanks for taking the time to read my thread.

Peace :)


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