I woke up this morning and was taking a slash my son who is 9 months crawls into the bathroom and sees me and thinks its hillarious that theres a stream of water is coming our of my weiner. He pulls himself up on to the side of the toilet to watch me pee. hilarious kids are awesome
imagine that during the wedding speech.
that´ll freak me out!
hahah you're most welcome!
Ive got some awesome videos of hi farting that Im going to save for his wedding night
Phew so glad little girls are easier to potty train, no weird wiener grabbing involved. Also, gotta go? Sit down. I guess you can do that with boys but then they probably get beat up once they're in school...
Apparently, 40% of Japanese men sit down to pee.
Hard-hitting journalism, indeed.
Dude, you have to go both directions, alternating. You're missing out if you think you can get it all going in the same direction.
Since I am in a small town, there's a lot of them like this.
Oh, and there's a small covered wastebasket for women to put the tampons/pads/baby diapers. Don't open that. Really.
one day Im just sitting on the couch watchin TV when my 2 year old points a bubble gun at me and goes pew pew pew! which then I realized he had put a roll of poo in the muzzel end of the gun...
The other cat is fascinated by the toilet flush and actually checks to see where the water goes to.
We actually had those in the army (we serve a mandatory year in Greece). Although I could never get used to squatting in my civilian life (for whatever reason - eg fixing cables under my desk etc) after a year of shitting like that I could squat like a pro. Now I'm back to feeling old and weak in the knees.
lol oh god.
Yep, I can attest to the existence of toilets like that in Greece. Used to have em in school. Tried to use em as little as possible. Apparently its good for you to use that kind though...one of the causes of hemmorhoids is because we dont squat when we poop.
These kinds of toilets are to be fond all over asia, and they take alot of getting used to, especially if you got your jeans bunched round your ankles. I know someone that fell backwards and had thier ass jammed into the hole. And they are better for you apparently you dont get nuggets left in the bowel as you do with the western sitting on the throne" kind.
So what do you do? Stand on the seat or something? lol
LOL I actually know some people in asia that do this..
And I wipe back to front too... geez, I'm a weirdo....
Weird thread, but interesting, haha