Hi everyone, I recently graduated a couple of months ago and would like to get critiques on my website and portfolio. Just wanted to check what other artists critiques and suggestions are.
Here is a link to my website
All critique that could help me in any way are welcome.
Thanks to anyone and everyone for any advice, look forward to the replies.
Currently looking for a environment artist job:poly122:
That turned me off from looking at too much of your stuff.. could be my shitty internet connection though..
If you are then, dont do that. If you are not, then check your image quality settings, make sure it is compressed enough (without losing quality) and use that.
Either way your images shouldn't take that long to load. Your stuff looks cool, so you want to show it to potential employers as fast as possible.
Just my 2 cents.
I think if you just made some changes to the website and worked a little on how you present things, it would really go a long way.
Thanks for the advice so far
This is enhanced by a completely black background creating a stiff contrast between your content and it's surroundings. By using a neutral color background, your images won't be presented so poorly. In fact, if I take any of your images and view them outside of your web site, they automatically look better.
Talking about this shot in particular: http://robertvallescg.com/NarutoTownWireframe01.jpg
One thing is for sure. When you show your stuff here people are brutally honest. Thats a good thing
I'm afraid I don't like the navigation system- click to close, click-drag to pan and ARROW KEYS to navigate...why can't I have a next and back button? I am far too lazy to use both hands to navigate a website- and I might by using my other hand for something-else...
PS I'll be putting my portfolio out like a lamb to the slaughter very shortly too, so I do feel your pain!
The lighting needs a lot of work. Konoha Street for example has a lot of yellow light and deep dark shadows, but a bright blue sky?
Keep "Alien Temple", drop "Boilerplate" and "Lytus". Temple shows an excellent example of normal mapping and has by far the best set of pieces in your set. Boiler and Lytus have such bad normal/bump mapping, I would be weary of even showing that. Lighting needs a strong pass again to. If you want to keep them, do it on the condition that you fix everything in it, other wise your just dragging yourself down with it. Same goes for "Uncharted", which is a lot better then those two, but is in the middle of Temple and Lytus quality wise. You should just focus on this actually instead of wasting time on the other two.
Your personal stuff is really good. Besides what has already been said above, I think you should show that first. Better yet, why are you separating these? Combine them together.
Also, do you really thing people have 20/20 vision to be able to read what you wrote? Bloody, its like, point 3 font! Keep it around 12 mate.
One more thing. Change your background color so that its not straight black. could be like 95-90, but straight 100 is not really good. Probably a personal pref, but I've always been told that and have to agree with it.
thanks again for the advice so far
Made font a little bigger, at 10 right now.
Change the background color to dark gray.
Optimized some of the scenes a little bit.
Added some new environments.
Re-lit some of the scenes.
Big thanks for the advice so far and hopefully to the advice to come.
Just my 2 cents.
Overall this cries out for some editing. Pare it down to the best stuff you have then start adding new work to build from there. Specifically work on lighting, poly and texture efficiency, and overall texture presentation. Try to get those diffuse maps looking as nice as possible on and off the model.
Lighting Issues:
http://robertvallescg.com/LinksRoom_Scene.jpg <- yellow haze at the top dark otherwise
http://robertvallescg.com/NarutoTownScreenshot01.jpg <- Light is yellow heading towards green
http://robertvallescg.com/pagodatower01.jpg <- Back-lit or heavily shadowed one.
Model issues:
http://robertvallescg.com/z_kc_building_hellgate.jpg <- 5000+ tris?!
http://robertvallescg.com/OldRepublicShip01_Wireframe.jpg <- probably too many edges on those rafter pipes.
http://robertvallescg.com/preswalla01_wireframe.jpg <- Edgeloops?
http://robertvallescg.com/presceilingfan01.jpg <- Thats some really normally wood... also not really digging the uncharted screenshot as backdrop,since this asset is not from the game.
Image Issues:
Seriously uneven pixel density... or maybe depth of field issues on the far left. either way pick a different shot. Crank up the settings in whatever engine (UDK?) you're using when you take folio shots.
-A lot of people don't seem to like splash pages, but i feel weird about going straight to a random page like that, maybe a few suggestions of a good web layout might help.
-Zelda scene gets too dark.(yes it is from twilight princess concept)
-I can't really change the pagoda tower that much, its in a engine I'm still trying to learn.
-yeah i went overboard a little with the wood gate. Needs to be optimized.
-those pipes are only at 10, but the tris in udk make it look like 20.
-the uncharted wall, don't follow the eat 3d tutorial too much.....
-the wood fan, i think it may be the smoothing groups in max.
-the uncharted shot, that's not my assets, so i will try to pick a other shot.
I will start by working on these issues and try to get as many fix as I can. Then work my way from their. Thanks for the advice so far.
I don't know why its so slow, its ok for me...
It's not a random page - it's your portfolio! It's the main event, It should be the first thing people see; Thumbs of your work, and easy access to the full images.
At the moment the thumbnail images are too packed for me to make out what's in them. Zoom in a little more on a nice focal point. Then the next problem is clicking a thumbnail just gets me a bigger thumbnail! The image that loads in the middle of the screen is too small! This makes it pointless. I've loaded up an image that's too small to examine, so I have to click it for a bigger image to get the full picture. And then sometimes, I have to click THAT for the bigger picture. KISS. Keep it Simple, Stupid. Click a thumb, get a full image.
The text is still to small as well. I would say rethink your gallery layout. You have some nice work to show, but your not showing it effectively.
ps-does anybody know any good sites for environment concept, i want to do a new environment to really push myself, but I haven't really found that one yet.
Across the board. It's unlikely that future employers are going to come to your house and use that PC to check your website. Have you considered that maybe your screen is the one that's badly calibrated?
On the content, I think your biggest problem is lazyness. It looks like you're throwing your highpoly meshes through a polycruncher instead of putting effort in a proper lowpoly. It's also evident in the KOTOR and Zelda scenes, where all cylinders have the same amounts of sides. It also shows in the alien temple, where you don't take the time to reduce loops at all. You can get better results with less than half the tri-count:
yes I have, its not, so i guess its ok the way I was doing it then, maybe the other computers I checked it on were just bad or something
also fixed the pipes in the old republic scene, and don't think there is anything wrong with the size in the Zelda scene, most are i think the appropriate size between 3,5,6,8 and 10 depending on size of the object.
thanks for the advice Snader, i will have the alien pillar more optimized soon :poly142: