This mmo is pretty amazing looking. Im sorry to say but id rather throw my money at this than aion.. but id like to know more about the game before i commit heheh.
never heard anything about this game before, their marketting strategy definitely sucks compared to aions. But graphically this does look very good for a mmo.
I dont plan on playing another mmo in this "mmo-generation". I'll wait for mmos to evolve into something more engaging and interesting, probably in 5-6 years time
The combat is real time, requiring skill and aiming - you actually attack, instead of having skill bar, etc from what it looks like. Two comments on youtube videos have mentioned Monster Hunter Frontier, so think along those lines.
Check out Mabinogi Heroes as well - which has real time combat as well as being able to use the environment as weapons, etc.
That's what i like of these new games, no skill bars, you really play with the characters, you interact with the scenery, and you can make combos. You can find some western Action Rpgs, not like these but very similar. I always remenber a Rune Game.
I have been playing the korean open beta of continent of the Ninth, and it's a nice game to play with friends.
The english site is up now, didnt see anything about beta...
I hate how they withheld info on the classes and races, I mean this thing is going on in Korea, we've seen the videos, it's not a surprise, I just want to read a description, lol.
Wow and not even a week ago EnMasse came out saying that they would not follow asia with the free to play model and would stay as a full subscription game. I'm actually glad with this news. I loved the game but i just thought it didn't have enough content to keep paying the subscription. Anywayss... More ppl that are going to play it?
I played it for about 6 months. Really enjoyed it but didnt see the point in paying for it after a while. i may hop back on from time to time once its f2p
Game is so grindy you couldn't pay me to play that F2P. Art is nice though, but might as well just find the massive amount of screenshots of it all than have to grind for it heh.
I had a sub for a few months, it was fun for a little while. gets kind of dull if you don't have people to play with though. Also it's pretty much like every other mmo out there, aside from the battle system. Art is pretty nifty though
Very tempted to try this went the F2P rolls round but I cannot do with the distract at the moment. But with all the built up, I may find myself downloading it.
yea i definitely couldnt have played this alone. it is the typical story/side mission and dungeon repetitiveness.. but the PVP makes it awesome. the fact that you can kill anyone anywhere (except major towns/cities) is awesome. people bitched all the time about getting player killed while in a PVP server but i always hopped on with about 3 or 4 other friends and we spent the majority of our time at our higher levels (only to about 45 i think) just running around some lower level areas killing people.
I dont plan on playing another mmo in this "mmo-generation". I'll wait for mmos to evolve into something more engaging and interesting, probably in 5-6 years time
I'm a fan of real time combat - Mabinogi Heroes is another one to keep an eye on.
The combat is real time, requiring skill and aiming - you actually attack, instead of having skill bar, etc from what it looks like. Two comments on youtube videos have mentioned Monster Hunter Frontier, so think along those lines.
Check out Mabinogi Heroes as well - which has real time combat as well as being able to use the environment as weapons, etc.
Continent of the Ninth is also a real time one to look at:
Dragon Nest Online as well:
I have been playing the korean open beta of continent of the Ninth, and it's a nice game to play with friends.
More "next gen" mmos, are Sun (Soul of the ultimate nation, quite old now) and Blade and Soul.
There's like a evolution hehe
The real time combat reminds me more of monster hunter. And more monster hunter is very, very good.
But I'll be too preoccupied with aion and work for me to try any other games right now.
Perhaps when it gets an official release in the west
omg you floozy !
I take it you signed for the korean beta? If not... (considering your invitation is in english?) How'd you get into the beta?
And if you get tired of playing.... well, I know someone who could take the account off your hands. ;-)
I hate how they withheld info on the classes and races, I mean this thing is going on in Korea, we've seen the videos, it's not a surprise, I just want to read a description, lol.
So I'm watching this trailer, yet another very nice looking MMO, cursing my inability to take the plunge and start playing an MMO. Then... suddenly...
there, there *pats shoulder*
Very tempted to try this went the F2P rolls round but I cannot do with the distract at the moment. But with all the built up, I may find myself downloading it.
so very pretty...^^