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Anything like Modo's action centre to Element, for Max?

polycounter lvl 18
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Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
I'm primary a 3dmax user, but I've been using Modo recently and found the Action centre, Element to be invaluable when creating complex hardsurfaces. Is there any script or method I'm missing , for 3dsmax, that would allow me to quickly select subobject elements and then tranform them using another subobjects alignment?


  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    Are you needing this for every sub object or just edges? Seems like I mainly use it on edges in modo but I barely use the program.... still would be nice to have it max. I have something kind of working so I was curious as to how extensive you need it to be.
  • Farfarer
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    Farfarer polycounter lvl 17
    I'd love to see something like this, too. It's is one of the things I miss most when having to use Max... especially as Max's "local" action centre is never local to anything.
  • Rumkugel
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    Rumkugel polycounter lvl 14
    you sill can set pivot points to dummies or other objects to rotate around, but thats tedious
    modo is far superior in that manner.
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    Bryan, I'm using it for all elements in modo. And I'm really using it a hell-of-a-lot right now more than any other transfrom tool.

    Going back to Max

    Ah, thats a real shame, it's gonna be alot harder to go back to Max now.
    I won't give up tho and keep looking...
  • ironbearxl
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    ironbearxl polycounter lvl 18
    Try Lock Soft Selection:

    You can select a vert/edge/face lock it a then select another vert/edge/face to move/scale/rotate it around.
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    Ironbearxl: Nice try but as there are still two selections the transform point still lies between the two.
  • -DN-
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    -DN- polycounter lvl 18
    I do not use modo so I am not sure if this is what you are asking but I will toss it out there...

    If you want an object to share the local axis of a different object you can always go into the hierarchy panel and click the "affect pivot only" button and then use the align tool to match objectA's pivot and rotation to object B's.

    If you want either sub elements from either model to match up in this regard and not the entire model, select said sub elementsA, detach as a new objectC and then align tool them to object B. Once you have edited objectC with objectsB's pivot and axis constraints, weld it back to objectA.

    I'm not positive this is what you are looking for, but I model pretty complex geometry and I am constantly detaching pieces of various models to make all the other pieces line up or follow the same trajectory. You can also just detach sub elements as clones, hide the original object they came from and then use them as a guide for a different objects, or even detached sub elements for a different object.

    If you looking for a way to be in sub object mode... and have ever element use a axis control from a separate object... on the fly, I.E having the program assume every sub element shares the same axis/transform control... Sounds like it could be scripted... I've never had the need for such a feature tho.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hey GetDown,

    After messing around with Modo a little bit, then going back to Max, I started to rely more and more on the autogrid feature to somehow emulate local action centers. For instance if I need to create a rather complex 'plug' on the surface of an object, I create a plane or a cylinder on the surface, with autogrid turned on, and work the detail from there (as a separate object obviously). Then when it's done I merge it with the original object.

    It has the inconvenient of having to work on two separate objects, but the big advantage of letting you instance that detail somewhere else when done. I'll try to make a vid next week.
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    --DS-: Ye, I am aware of these methods. What I am looking for, is the same kind of methods, though done is all of 2 seconds, i.e. Modo's Element Action Centre. Because the time taken to excute this kind of operation in Modo is so quik, my workflow for modeling hardsurfaces has dramatically changed to encompass this feature. I've found myself using the "Element Action Centre" more than the standard move tools - viewport or screen coordinates system.
    From what you've said It sounds like you too would be very impressed by this function in Modo. You should check it out.

    Pior: Hi man, I've not played with the autogrid in max at all, I'll give that a play... Like you, I'm trying to modify my Max workflow after playing with Modo. I'm finding Max quicker for organic work and meaty edit work, while Modo fantastic for doing accurate stuff, I'm constantly going between the two.

    Thanks for replying guys
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Sounds like vectors in Wings 3d, using them, any of the commands, you can adjust them in any way that is defined on any subobjects or objects(move in direction of edge, rotate around any vertex, flatten to that vertex in that direction, etc).

    I've tried Max and thats the one thing I hate about it. I dont get how people have everything lined up perfectly without it, when things arent on one of the axes.

    I've looked for ages, havent found anything though.
  • swytch
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    swytch polycounter lvl 8
    I may be wrong, but what ironbearxl suggested is how I used to do it. But you have to turn on snaps and set pivot to Use Selection Center to have the transform point snap to where you want it.

    Transforming About Snapped Points
    You can transform a sub-object selection from a temporary point—such as rotating forearm vertices around a shoulder vertex--by activating snaps and locking the current selection to transform.

    From 3ds Max Reference, topic: Choosing a Transform Center
    "While the transform center choices are often useful at the object level, they are not usually convenient when transforming sub-object selections. You can override the active transform center and perform the current transform about a temporary point by using snaps. When Snaps is active, and your selection is locked (via Selection Lock Toggle), the point you snap to will set the point about which the transform is performed. Using this technique, you can:
    * Move relative to two snap points.
    * Rotate about a snapped point.
    * Scale about a snapped point."

    [FONT=&quot]The Working Pivot is another way to do all this.[/FONT]
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    Pior : I tried that autogrid very nifty.

    Swytch: I finally got it working, It's for scale and rotation transformations only right? Thats' better than nothing. I also was playing with the working pivot too.

    LouisMarcoux - Working Pivot Demonstration:-

    Working pivot to surface, seems like a good way to go about all move tranformations that need doing. It's no Modo, but it makes things a hell of alot easier now.

    Thanks to everyone for the tips, I've learnt alot :D
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    That link doesnt work for me.
  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Strange, working fine here.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Ah!, found the problem had disabled the plugin because I kept getting errors.
  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    Ok I've got this script working now (with much help from SyncViewS). Basically it uses the normals of your subobject selection to align the working pivot. It doesn't have fancy selection highlighting like modos and you have to drop your current selection to set the working pivot but it helps with quickly aligning the working pivot.

    The script works on one editable poly object at a time. Just select any subobject element and run the actionCenterOn script. It will align the working pivot and turn it on. The actionCenterOff script will turn off the working pivot.

    The scripts will show up under "BCTools" in your customize interface panel.

  • Bryan Cavett
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    Bryan Cavett polycounter lvl 19
    I should mention this script will only work in max 2008 and up. 2008 it when Autodesk added in the working pivot. I've only tested it in Max 2009.

    Edit: Corrected a small pivot point bug and re-uploaded.
    There is also a bug where the normals are not correct on heavily NU scaled object. That bug will not be fixed but you really should'nt do anything that extreme without resetting the xforms afterward anyways!
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    Cool, tried it briefly, appears to work well in Max 2010. It will definitiley come in handy, thanks.
  • dtschultz
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    dtschultz polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks a lot, Bryan! I am so glad I accidentally stumbled across this thread. I have been griping about this for a long time, and although the edit working pivot is ok, it is a poor replacement for Modo's element action center. This script works really well.
  • Mr GetDown
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    Mr GetDown polycounter lvl 18
    Ye Brian, your a god among men.
    This really is the shizz-nit.
    I'm abusing it so much already. So glad you pm me about this or I would have missed it.

    Thanks man.
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