Here is a project I just started. Its my AION Figurine Project. Basically, I stole some guy from the Aion world and decided to make him up in zbrush with the intent of bringing him into our world via some newfangled printer of sorts.
Started with a noodle man-ish thing from max and jammed him into zbrush. Here is how he turned out:

After an awesome and long battle with the face, I decided to sketch out his armour. Once it's good I'll retopo it and make it nice


Oh and here are the references I am using:
Armour ConceptPose SketchWeaponWings
Also I Did some painting practice today because I really am not very good at painting.
Yay for beginner stuffs!
I'm linking it because its huge
Hurry up with your test so we can work on UC together!
New challenge for the year, learn maya.
New challenge for the week, try not to punch my computer screen.
So to help with the whole moving from max to maya, I have given myself and Hazardous some little exercises. Here is my first one:
Omg I found out that real time shaders in maya dont do transparency! Ugh I was about to throw my computer out the window! Yes this program will take some getting used too ><
Here is the little mushroom man! Made him today, so much fun ^^
Next concept I will build in maya. Small mushroom house for my mushroom man
Wanted to take it further but I have super glare on my screen, so I will have to finish it off when I can see what I'm painting :P
Its kinda muddy and boring, here's a quick paint over.
ZacD: That looks super burnt xD but I get the general idea of what you mean. It does look muddy, I will have to fix it.
Cyrael: Thanks! Its turning out to be a nice gradual way to ease into the confusing program. The face you mentioned is really super low res, I just kinda blocked out the main forms with what I had. I should retopo it and make it all nice and stuff.
So This took me almost two days to make as opposed to a few hours in max. Most of that time was me fuming and walking away from the computer in frustration. Especially when it crashed. Twice.
But the good news is I think I conquered the wall of frustration and am starting to get the hang of it now. I just had to accept that I have to think alot more Manually in maya. I guess max's tools made me lazy
kinda sorta not really figured out how to rig in maya. Plus rainbows!
I'll have to save up to buy my upgrade. The 3D painting tools in that are really good!
Slowly but surly chipping away at this. Only being able to get half an hour here and there. Stupid visas sorting out shit is taking up crap loads of my time. God damm aussie government and its stupid 1.01 rule set! Gahhh!
Anyway here he is. Better put on some sunglasses, he's bright.
Painted balthier because I'm having a hard time modelling his face. If I can't model it, I try to work it out in 2D, which usually helps alot.
As for your Upgrade to CS4. You can still pull things off with CS2...<.<
anyways. LFM
I'll get cs4 after we move to usa because its very much cheaper over there than here in AU.
More painting practice. I like cat girls
Gonna try my hand at daily sketches. Day1.
I wanna try to get used to painting water. Its hard :<
Colour picking by eye let me play with colour and saturation.
This one took just a bit over an hour
Here is another hour sketch