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Bill Maher: Stand up for the 70% of Americans who aren't crazy



  • Jeremy Wright
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    Jeremy Wright polycounter lvl 17
    ZacD wrote: »
    I was always taught the political spectrum was more like a circle, republic's and democracy's at the middle of the top, fascism and communism on their respective sides at the bottom.

    The middle of the top....of a circle?
    The respectice sides of a bottom...of a circle?

    Where exactly are those places?

    Also, to everyone writing posts consisting of 1,000 words and more:

    I don't read your posts.
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I've always thought one of the major problems with the system is the average person's overestimation of how much a doctor can help, and their underestimation of just how tough the human body is. Too many people get a flu, or a cough, or just a little paranoid, go to visit the doctor and funnel tons of money into a medical system that largely deals with people who are simply trained to fear for their "poor health".

    Here's how an average doctor visit goes:
    Do you do anything unhealthy?
    Stop doing that
    Ok, now pay me hundreds of dollars out of your or someone's pocket, here's some Vicodin.

    The vast majority of medical care consists of sucking money out of people or insurance policies while offering no actual treatment (unless you want to count painkillers as an actual remedy). It's a con. This entire nation is so obsessed with exploiting something for nothing that it's falling appart. The healthcare system, the legal system, the music industry, the oil companies, you name it... If it's a giant industry making rediculous ammounts of money in the US, chances are it does absolutely nothing for our society, often the contrary. And that's why the fundamentals of our economy are going to shit. Everyone's just trying to out f*ck the other person out of their money just a little harder than they're getting f*cked out of theirs. And with no one providing a service worth a damn there's nothing worth spending that money on anyway.

    I hope in our lifetimes we're going to see socialism work. Not because the average person finally bands together in unison for the greater good, but because the average person is just going to become obsolete. We live in the digital age. We don't need 80% of the population slaving away in factories or working on farms. Think of the "lazy people" you might say "get a job" to, but really think, what job could they do that would make your, or anyone's life better that isn't already taken care of by someone more responsible? Our current society has the tools to allow one person to do the job of many and is generally structured to make sure someone competent gets that job. As time progresses there wont be jobs for everyone, and it's really not their fault, so to start denying people medical coverage is pretty cruel in my opinion. But again, the medical industry isn't worried about improving it's efficiency, it simply wants a nation worried sick about their health and throwing money hand over fist into the system.
  • okkun
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    okkun polycounter lvl 18
    Junkie_XL wrote: »
    World War I = Woodrow Wilson (democrat) His mandates led to the cost of American deaths on the Lusitania, the prime instigator that brought us into WW1

    FDR (democrat) = WW2. Ending oil trade with Japan forced their hand to bomb pearl harbor...(on purpose because war is profitable...unknown)? Eisenhower & MacArthur (republicans) worked to get us out. Although it is hard to argue against taking out Hitler so I'll leave that as a wash.

    Truman (democrat) = Korean War. Eisenhower put the screws to this in 1953 luckily.

    JFK (democrat) almost started a nuclear confrontation with the Russians. (although he might be more innocent than others if you believe operation northwoods or not)

    Lyndon B Johnson (democrat) escalated vietnam troop levels to 100,000 which caused it to become the disaster it did. Nixon ended this before his first term...although maybe not fast enough so I shouldn't give Nixon a total free pass on that one.

    More current...

    Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998 = Clinton (democrat). 4 day bombing run. Bombed Iraq more times during this short period than Bush Sr. did during Gulf War 1. The Iraqi Liberation Act also gave dubya an excuse to go into Iraq whining all the way by saying "you let clinton do it, so let me".

    Kosovo = Clinton (democrat). Policing the world once again.

    Those two were much better reasons to impeach Clinton than over a blow job IMO.

    They are both to the left of center. One more extreme than the other. The latter is more a description of political direction on the pendulum.

    Those are American presidents who even though they are democrats are right of center compared to the rest of the industrialized world.

    The difference between Communism & Socialism is the latter represents economic principles and the former is a political ideology. They are frequently mistaken for somehow being related.

    Also, I'm not arguing left is better than right, I agree they can be just as nuts as the neocons.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    8FtSpider wrote: »
    The middle of the top....of a circle?
    The respectice sides of a bottom...of a circle?

    Here's an ugly picture, you can be inside and outside of the circle.

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