Started working on a scene based on a piece of Warhammer Online a few days ago.
Clicky for original art.
I've been meaning to learn the crysis editor for a while now, so I'm probably going to end up throwing it in there for the final shots. Currently sits at roughly 5,000 tris. There's still a fair bit to add and change, but I thought I'd throw a few images up and see what you guys thought!
anyways good luck with this- with a kickass texture it'll look awesome
if you get the chance, prop a drunk slayer outside
@slipsius: The shingles were done that way so that they were modular pieces, but I've since changed that in favor of a more unique roof as Cody suggested.
@praxedes: Thanks for the suggestions, I'll keep them in mind for next time as I'm aiming for a more mid-poly environment with this one. Got any pictures of those models?
@Cody: At the moment I haven't touched the stone area in terms of making it less perfect, but it's on my todo list.
@almighty_gir: Unfortunately my character modelling skills aren't up to scratch, so I'll have to give that a miss
Anyway, I haven't got as much work done on this as I would have liked over the last few weeks (Bad cold, pc crash), but I'll try and get an updated image up sometime in the next few days. Here are a few props in the mean time:
Keep it up!
@DeusExMatteo: Yeah, the chain is a repeatable applied to planes. Here is a wire: Clicky. And I'm not using any normal maps
Now for a proper update:
There are still a number of things that need to be done / tweaked, but I hope you like how it's going so far.
Btw, are there any ingame screenshots of this place around? I'm interested in seeing how they've done it.
Can't wait to see more!
As for background elements, what you see now is pretty much all I'll be doing for this scene. I've thought about expanding it to include a few more buildings, but I think I'll leave that for another time.
Can we see some of the texture sheets?
awesome texture work. looks actually like really well rendered highpoly stuff.
And some of the textures:
Any crits and comments are welcome! Especially regarding the groundwork as I'm still looking at improving that area. Oh, I'm also planning on retexturing those blue chimneys to match the others as I'm not happy with how they came out.
Some of the 90 degree edges on the stone such as the chimney stack could benefit from some irregularity, or maybe chamfer the edge so it's not such a straight line. The stone looks pretty weathered then you've got this perfect right angle at the edge.
Looking forward to seeing this finished
but as carlo_c said, the stone parts really put this piece of work down a lot. the flatness of these is just killing the overall impression, imo. more modeling work, so it pops out a bit more !!
I'm with him!
Maybe change the light color, it seems greenish, i think a nice orange/blue or whatever hot/cold colors would suit the style better.
Im a fan, great work.
other than that awesome
@carlo_c: I won't be using any normal maps in this scene as I want to see how far I can take it with just diffuse textures. Agreed about the stonework and the chimey.
@Acumen: Will do!
@urgaffel: Yeah, I see what you mean. I'm going to redo some of the stone textures so they have more natural shapes to them. I'll keep your comments in mind for when I do so.
@wizo: Thanks for the lighting suggestions! I've since made some adjustments, how does it look now?
@killingpeople: Agreed. Thanks for the advice.
@ralusek: Yeah, the roof colour is making me retch a little as well, I'll see what I can do about it.
Haven't done too much, but heres any update anyway. I'm planning on reworking some of the stone textures and those chimneys for the next update.
Again, thanks all!
I like what you've done with the grime, I think it looks convincing but not overdone.
Inspiration folder ASAP!!
afk: I use a hand-painted base with photo overlays for detailing. Just keep practicing and looking at reference images and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it!
I've decided to call this done for now. It was fun to work on, but I think its time to move on with a new project. I tried to incorporate everyones feedback the best I could, so I hope everyone likes the final result.
Textures 1 Textures 2 Textures 3
And for trivial purposes, heres the first image of the blocking out stage: Clicky.
Although I think you could have put some more love into the stone texture. Feels like they got less quality. And the totally black areas could use some life, maybe a little depth with a stone texture in the back or glowing animal eyes or something
Also, if you havent used it already, you could use some slight vertex coloring on the stone texture (just an idea).
Really neat render though! Great lightning setup!
nice work man, love warhammer!
Wicked work my man.
I've updated the images in my previous post to reflect a few minor changes.
@eric: Yeah, the stone textures aren't that crash hot are they. I'll have to work on my stone texturing technique for next time. Thanks for the various suggestions--I went ahead and threw in some glowings eyes for you!
@urgaffel: I'll be sure to watch out for too many straight lines in my next piece :poly122:
@AnimeAngel: Unfortunately not. My ability to do characters currently sits at below zero
@TheWinterLord: Yeah. I can see where you're coming from. I didn't mind the stretching, but I thought I might come off as being lazy if I left it that way.
@adam: Check your pms.
congrats for getting on the banner.
really impressive!
But where are the windows in your texture sheets?