really been wanting to do a vietnam scene, its a m110 howitzer firebase idea..
Laying out the scene, might change it
Working on the Artillery M110 Howitzer
these are still Very Much WIP, ( it has a bunch of tubes)
also i know the artillery piece is a ways from the viewer and it doesnt have to be that detailed, i wanted to make a detail one as a piece by itself.
Few ideas : throw in a camouflaged net over the bunker (those sticks look about the right height to support one) and one or two mounted machineguns around the opening:D
This could make way for other small stuff like a radio in the back and some of those hanging gas lamps if you decide to do a night scene.
That is a sweet looking piece of armour- nice work!
GCMP: I was thinking the same thing, going to put in camo, and weapons, was just laying it out for now
thanx for the crits, and the comments
gotsome more done(small update)
my first soldier in my scene, head texturing still trying to mess around with the eyebrows i dont know why that seems hard for some reason right now
just getting the pants texturing and zbrush magic, lol
getting the pieces in and starting to detail
still getting little things in before really going to town with the details
and on ur Howitzer there is an extra extrusion on the barrel just before the hydrolics.
um apart from that look sweet!