Looks like it's some form of combination of a platformer with Final Fight and the like... but with a totally AWESOME art style, over the top splatter, and a combination of homage and poking gentle fun at 'grim and gritty' genre flicks and games.
I love it! Probably won't play it, never liked the "Final Fight" style of gameplay, but hey.
played this bad boy at PAX , its definitely going to be a awesome game and its xbox 360
It felt somewhat repetitive but they introduced new stuff each time I was getting to that feeling that it really didnt feel that way definitely has a old school hack and slash feel to it very streets of rage style
This was a day one purchase for me, loved the art style and game play looked great. I was not disappointed in the slightest, its perfect for Arcade/PSN just long enough for the price point and not too heavy in narrative. Pick up and play at its best!
I love it! Probably won't play it, never liked the "Final Fight" style of gameplay, but hey.
It felt somewhat repetitive but they introduced new stuff each time I was getting to that feeling that it really didnt feel that way definitely has a old school hack and slash feel to it very streets of rage style
and when they switch to the silhouette..... omg, that was awesome
so glad that 2d games are finally starting to come back and look glorius
Really looking forward to playing this game, if nothing else, to see the art.