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Modeling Portfolio

Hey everyone, just wanted to show my portfolio and get some critiques, hope you guys enjoy it.


thanks everyone.


  • slipsius
    Offline / Send Message
    slipsius mod
    artwork looks nice. your little underground mine thing reminds me of lord of the rings online.

    as for the site itself... if thats actually your portfolio, ditch the blog style... Its not suitable for a portfolio site.
  • BradMyers82
    Offline / Send Message
    BradMyers82 interpolator
    I agree about the blog not being ideal.
    Also, I'm glad you give descriptions of your work, but they are too much. Better to just get to the point. For example (and I'm just making up stats)

    Omega red character created for Comicon Challenge.
    9,000 tri's
    2048x2048 diffuse, specular, normals, opacity
    Completion time: 3 weeks (you may or may not want to include completion time depending)

    That's really all you need, because you want your art to do the talking for you. Good luck!
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