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HK UMP .45

Patrick Svensson
polycounter lvl 14
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Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
Hi everyone,

New for the forum, and have been working for a while on a HK UMP .45 that I like to show you guys/girls, and get some feedbacks on what I can do to improve on both modelling and texturing.

At the moment I will not change my lowpoly, I will just take the feedbacks of it for my next project. :)

Here´s the pics, hope you like it!


  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Sweet! UMP is my favorite SMG and you've nailed it pretty spot on. I think the models clean, and the texture is almost too clean. Adding some more edge detailing or other subtle details to make the weapon interesting or unique would be cool! Like a hello kitty bandaid!
  • brandoom
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    brandoom polycounter lvl 15
    wow. really nice model. very nice and clean. I agree with Kaburan about adding some scratches and what not - just some random scratches here and there.
  • Autocon
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    Autocon polycounter lvl 15
    so much could have been mirrored. never the less its still nice
  • MALicivs
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    MALicivs polycounter lvl 16
    nice model, very nice and clean. I do not agree with the scratches thing though, not every weapon needs to be all scratched and worn out. ;)
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Thank you guys! That really make me glad to hear.

    Now I have been working on a Aimpointer for it and just finish the highpoly.

  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Patrick: that high poly looks great! Do you have a reference that we can see to compare?
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Oh, this what I had in mind!
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Long time I update anything, but I haved tried to looked at diffrent tutorials on texturing, and tried diffrent method. So my work have been slow. But I got a few tips on the way! :)

    Now the scope (and the silencer, but have not worked at that textur to much!, so don´t look at it)
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    nice! i enjoy this alot. My only small suggestion is, play with the spec just a bit more. You started to put in dull spots where the hand would go ect ect. Marmoset seems to blast that away tho, so might need to get a bit more heavy handed with it?

    lovely bakes.
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks stimpack, I had not work much with my spec on the aimpointer. Just did a quicke :)

    Right now I have not worked on the textures, but I have played around with marmosets toolbag, and change my enviroment to shady02 and just love that make me love marmoset even more! :D

    Played along and took a few picture, here the are:
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Okey, I have been a bit lazy so I laid the UMP at the side for a moment and starting to modelling a Tavor Assault Rifle. Right now Im just finish the highpoly and like to check with you guys/girls what you think? tavorhighpoly.jpg

    A quick ref: http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/images/ORD_Tavor-21_5.56mm_lg.jpg
  • TheWinterLord
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    TheWinterLord polycounter lvl 17
    snyggt Patrick! :)
    I would say that the scope looks much more highrez than the UMP itself. Anyways it would be cool if you roll some tape around it somewhere, go crazy, that will make it stand out from the thousands of other guns out there.
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Loving the Tavor.
  • Kitteh
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    Kitteh polycounter lvl 18
    For the Tavor, try to avoid separately mapping both sides of things that are completely, perfectly symmetrical. It just wastes UV space and time texturing, and eats away texture space that could be used making other parts look nicer.
  • MatthewS
    Hey Patrick,

    I'm diggin both of the guns, only a few things that bug me...

    1st: The part on the mag for the UMP that is open and shows the bullets inside really bugs me. I think it is a combination of the normals and the fact that the actual model is flat on that part... I would have modeled the indent into the low poly so as to have the depth when looking at an angle. Can really tell from the first-person render you have up there.

    2nd: on the Tavor where do the bullet casings eject? currently I don't see anywhere on the highpoly that could act as an ejection port, and the things that might work for it are not lined up with the barrel right now.

    Last thing, and this is just preference, I don't really like the mushyness of the piece on the right side of the Tavor, opposite what I would assume is the safety or semi/auto switch. It is too soft compared to the rest of the gun... But that is really something that is up to you.

    Other than that good work... really love the Aimpoint.
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    the UMP shouldnt be scratched up like that, theyre almost entirely polymer. It looks nice from FPV though
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    First of I just like to say thanks you guys! I really need this kind of CC!

    TheWinterLord: Hehe, I know that the Aimpointer is more highpoly than the UMP gun, and I just can say that I did the Aimpointer last and just went nuts at the polys, just becuse I know that I did the UMP just abit lowpoly... About the tape, I will try it! :)

    Kitteh: Yes! That´s in my mind this time! :) (learning on the way)

    MatthewS: For the UMP, I will not chance it for the moment, just will keep that in mind for next project (like the Tavor). As for the Tavor. That didn´t strike me before now! Hehe, its just isnt a line with the barrel! Will change it! For the safety or semi/auto switch I look very soft in the reference. But maybe will change it just a bit, so it look abit harder? :) Really good though you gave me!

    Harry: It´s just a modell, and I know some scratches is WAY of and some where the maybe can be any scratches. But think it looks cool and will leave it be. :)

    Thank you all for you comments!! :D
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Harry: It´s just a modell, and I know some scratches is WAY of and some where the maybe can be any scratches. But think it looks cool and will leave it be. :)

    Well, i don't intend to push the matter but i just mentioned it because scratched plastic looks different to scratched metal, maybe keep it in mind for future because while most people don't care about whether a gun is perfectly accurate, almost any experienced artist will emphasise that material definition is important. (usually plastic is the same colour all the way through so the scratches wont appear to have paint or finish flaking off as you do with metal)
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Harry wrote: »
    Well, i don't intend to push the matter but i just mentioned it because scratched plastic looks different to scratched metal, maybe keep it in mind for future because while most people don't care about whether a gun is perfectly accurate, almost any experienced artist will emphasise that material definition is important. (usually plastic is the same colour all the way through so the scratches wont appear to have paint or finish flaking off as you do with metal)

    Ah! You ment like that! Oh, yeah its diffrent for plastic, but its hard to get this gun a cool look by just doing som paint.. I shall do some changes sone and a few tips will be nice :)
  • Lonewolf
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    Lonewolf polycounter lvl 18
    your textures looks too clean, i would try get more stuff u can find on weapons

    oil stains, some black/brownish dirt and dust + work on the shaders of materials

    make sure your plastic/metal/robber etc doesnt shine the same way

    u can also try using different colors on the specular map for different materials

    sometimes it works pretty good
  • Harry
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    Harry polycounter lvl 13
    Ah! You ment like that! Oh, yeah its diffrent for plastic, but its hard to get this gun a cool look by just doing som paint.. I shall do some changes sone and a few tips will be nice :)

    I think the main thing making it look like metal is how much colour seems to be in the spec (or maybe it's the diffuse? i dont know what either look like since your last edits), plastic usually reflects quite dull. You could also have some fun making textures for the plastic.
    Here's a closeup of some polymer to give you ideas.

    The problem with "plastic guns" is that in reality they look very boring colour-wise. Even well-worn plastic doesnt "look" very interesting. But there are still places you can go with it.
    Heavilly worn areas tend to hold more dust and grime, as do nooks and crannies in the actual plastic. Sometimes i will use AO as a mask to paint in grime and i often find it effective to use as a noise mask so that more convex areas aren't as noisy and look more smooth from wear.
    I dunno, I understand if you wanna move on from this piece but for the tavor, it's more plastic and more places to experiment.

    In my experience, the key to making an interesting polymer texture, is having varying levels of noise. I usually try to focus less on varying tones, and more on varying the intensity of the texture itself when doing materials like this.
    I hope it helps.
  • Spitfire
    really nice stuff, ive never been abel to wrap my head around Marmoset, it always gives me wierd lighting and no matter how much i tweak it i never get a smooth feeling.

    Really like how you got it all to look so natural.
  • Fang
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    Fang polycounter lvl 7
    Good stuff :thumbup: I'd also second what Lonewolf said.
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Now for 2 days have tried to improve the textures for the UMP and added some tape, now I will call this DONE! I hope I really improve it some atleast :D

  • Stickmoose
    I think you may have overdone it on the tape. In my opinion, the only thing I would expect to see taped would be mags (like 2 mags taped together).
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Been working a bit with a new gun. M14 EBR. My goal right now is to make the gun, then do a scope + a silencer, maybe some more. Like to do just all the updates a gun can have, just for fun :) Right now I´m working with the middle part, reciver or whats its name.. but... here is my progress so far.


    PS. Maybe any mods can change the title on this thread to Patrick´s Wip Thread?
  • Hitez
    are you using any of these in a game? You should be. If not... can I? they're perfect!
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Too much tape, tape is suppose to add personality, but you can do that with almost anything, just dont over do it.
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Sorry for the late reply...

    @ Hitez, Im not using them for any game. Im just praticing! :)

    @ ZacD, I know that now :) was a bit of test and will take that information to the next.

    A update for you guys and girls! m14_ebr_wip2.png
  • sneakymcfox
    your rail covers aren't rounded enough, but other than that looks pretty accurate to me
  • Rang3r1
    And your RIS rails themselves are all sorts of wrong. Check your refs. It seems that a lot of people have trouble with rails....
  • ivars
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    ivars polycounter lvl 17
    Rang3r1 wrote: »
    And your RIS rails themselves are all sorts of wrong. Check your refs. It seems that a lot of people have trouble with rails....

    I've seen you make this comment in at least two other threads, but haven't really provided any specifics. Maybe you can enlighten us :)
  • Rang3r1
    Take a look at this picture:


    There should be no gap where the red is. Also, his "valleys" are too deep. I just don't see why it is so hard to make rails. He did them right on the UMP. Every other tacticool gun model I see has wrong rails. :/
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Hehe, you are right Rang3r1!! Hehe, I don´t know why I did them diffrently.. guess I had my head some other place! :D Im working right now to change them.
  • Rang3r1
    Good. I wish I had your energy to finish something. Looks great so far. And I love the UMP. I hope to someday see it ingame?
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Im done with the highpoly. Hope you like it :)

  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Nice work! Thanks for sharing

    Crits -n/a-
  • psychoticprankster
    MALicivs wrote: »
    nice model, very nice and clean. I do not agree with the scratches thing though, not every weapon needs to be all scratched and worn out. ;)
    I agree and if someone wants a brand spanking new gun they can have one.
  • Rang3r1
    Looks great to me man, just one question for me, how did you create the holes in the front rails and still keep it nice and all quads?
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Rang3r1 wrote: »
    Looks great to me man, just one question for me, how did you create the holes in the front rails and still keep it nice and all quads?

    Do you ment the rails that you pointed out whas wrong at first? Or did you ment the holes that is in the front of the gun?
  • warby
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    warby polycounter lvl 18
    love it no crits !
  • Rang3r1
    The holes in the headshield in the front of the gun.
  • griffinax
    One word: Smexy!

    Pleasant job, neat textures too, love it!
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Rang3r1 wrote: »
    The holes in the headshield in the front of the gun.

    Not that hard, make the form of the hold, select the edges round, extrude and extrude again. Copy it where I need them, then compine them, and do some magic ;)
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Now I have done a lowpoly and had a hard time do the uv. Started do some texturing, just showing where I am right now.


    The lowpoly landed at 9307 tris, and the scope will have to wait :)
  • Nistrum
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    Nistrum polycounter lvl 9
    i think that might be a bit Too ,much tape.. looks a bit like a maines kid went mad.. i think on the silencer is good. and maybe one other place but perhapse use different colours?

    dunno i could be wrong :)
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    Okey guys/ladies now I have been moving on, I like to have some comment on the M14 now :)
  • soulstice
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    soulstice polycounter lvl 9
    Really awesome guns Patrick! Can't wait to see the texture version of M1. How do you go about creating your low poly models? Do you retop from high poly or just trim down the high poly to a suitable low poly version?

    Keep up the great work.
  • Patrick Svensson
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    Patrick Svensson polycounter lvl 14
    soulstice: Thank you. I just trim down my highpoly th fit the lowpoly, but some parts I just redid, quicker :)
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Patrick: You have shown a lot of improvement in this thread. Congrats!
    Keep doing what your doing, it's working imo.
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