So kodiak had talked me into joining up here a while back, after much procrastination here I am :P
I currently work as a concept artist/freelance illustrator. I unfortunately don't have a whole lot to show on the concept end (curse you NDA's) but this is mostly just fun/illustrative work, alot of it has been posted elsewhere so im being a total whore with this you will have to excuse me.
Anyhow...lousy artz:

Some WOTC stuff:

My war general for the d-war mini (I know its sacrilegious with the gameartisans logo :P)

and some demon titties:

The dwarf is my very favourite piece. Cool perspective and nice contrast between theblurry background and the clean painting of the charakter.
Welcome to polycount.
awesome stuff man! but is that comic sans I see defiling your awesome predator pic??
Rooster: haha yea it totally is, threw it in for cheesy effect toward the end, litterally had like 10 mins left on the submission. Although I probably decimated any chance I had by doing that :P
really inspiring stuff ou have!
i only looked at the one above me xD