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Cygnar Trencher

Hi all,

I'm working on a Cygnar Trencher from the Warmachine universe. I'm planning the final in-game resolution model will be around 7500-8000 polygons. Here are some of the reference images I'm working from:


And here is where I'm at so far on the high-poly:


I still have some work to do on the high poly, (like the bedroll and adding chipping/damage to the hard surfaces) but I'd appreciate any crits and advice based on what I have so far.

Thanks for viewing,
Mick Jundt


  • c0ldhands
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    c0ldhands polycounter lvl 15
    Highpoly looks mighty awesome, never seen much of the Warmachine universe but it got me interested now. Any plans to do the rifle?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    good work, he looks like he has very little neck and his shoulders are wide but not quite as big and wide as the dude with the bazooka rifle in the concept
  • Mark Dygert
    Warmachines, awesome I really like it.

    The armor could use some thickness to it.
  • PureWall
    i just became a fan of the game not to long along., Ive been thinking about doing my own piece. That's looking good. my only comment is the straps on the backpack look a little strange, maybe the texture will fix that.
  • UglyMuffin
    Hi all,
    Thanks for the input

    Today's update:

    - Smoothed backpack and backpack straps. I thought it looked a little too busy.
    - Worked on the rifle
    - Worked on the bedroll
    - Touched up the draping cloth in front of crouch
    - Thickened armor and adjusted helmet
    - Tucked up and touched up facemask


    Gun WIP from 3ds Max:

    c0ldhands - Thanks, I'm glad you like it. :) I should have mentioned in my previous post that I also needed to work on the rifle. Check out this update to see progress on the gun.

    Ged - Thanks for the tip on the neck and shoulders. To try and make the neck appear a little more prominent I lowered the shoulder piece that fits in over the cuirass and thinned up the face mask around the neck. I don't know if it is enough, I might just have to raise the head and helmet. For the shoulder's I tried to reconcile the differences between the concept with the higher shoulder pads and the one with the lower shoulder pads. I guess the concepts were done by two different artists and each had their own view on how the pads should look.

    Vig - Thank you. I saw the Khadoran Warjack animation you did some time back and it was five tons of badass. It's good to see another fan of the universe on the forums. Though, I don't know if I agree with your taste in factions :poly121:. I also thought the armor could use a bit of thickening so I thickened up the shoulders, breast plate and wrist guards.

    PureWall - Good to hear another fan :) If you do your own piece I will have to check it out. I hope to eventually do a scene where a few of these trenchers are fighting a Skorne Titan from Hordes. I also thought the backpack straps looked a little off. I didn't really know how to fix them, but I tried to smooth out some of the wrinkles and reinforce some of the major wrinkles around the shovel.
  • UglyMuffin

    Finished High Poly (I think):



    I hope to turn this into a scene where a few of these trenchers are fighting a Skorne Titan. I decided that it would make a nice variation if one of the trenchers had an open mask so here it is:


    I still need to optimize the low poly some (it's just over 8600 polygons) and I decided to increase the budget from 7500-8000 to 8500 since I wasn't originally planning on having a more detailed face mask and face underneath. Here's the low poly with the open face mask:



    I also mocked up the Skorne Titan I hope to have these guys fighting against. I don't have the reference images just yet as I'm using images from some of the books and I have to borrow a friend's scanner. I probably won't put anymore work into this until I finish up the texturing the Trencher. You can get some idea of what I'm aiming for by following this link: http://privateerpress.com/hordes/gallery/skorne/warbeasts/titan-gladiator


    I would love to get some c&c and any advice for the low poly as I don't have too much experience with low poly modeling.
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    lowpoly looks good, you may have some trouble baking(normals/ao overlapping) so you might want to split up some of the parts eg the coat just for the baking process and put it all together again afterwards. Not sure if thats right but its just a suggestion.
  • woogity
    i agree with ged split that up or youll get a headache. pretty sweet model sir, like the concept you used alot.

  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    I think if you made the top flap of leather more diminant, where the chest area is, this guy would come together a bit better. He just doesn't look "tough" like he does in the concept. Maybe make the leather thicker, broader, and come down a bit more to help fake more of a strong anatomy. At the very least he'll look burlier for being able to wear such heavy clothing.

    Same for the front and side bits of the headpeice, they could be a bit more prominent and make him look a bit more "knight-like". But i think this could be addressed more in the texture than the chest part.
  • torontoanimator
    A+ man, it looks freaking amazing! i cant even think of anything wrong with it aside from an overly simplified rifle, but in this case, it works in its favor
  • UglyMuffin
    Ged - Thanks for the tip about separating the coat and torso, it really helped for getting the normal maps for the deep recesses.

    woogity - Thanks. I ended up splitting the model into about a dozen different bakes in order to get a solid bake for everything.

    crazyfingers - Thanks for the insight. I ended up widening, lowering and putting the chest piece in front of the coat to try and make it more prominent like the concept with the dude with the grenade launcher. I also adjusted the breastplate underneath to so that now, from the side view, the chest sticks out the most instead of the belly. For the helmet I brought the front piece of the helmet a bit forward and at a bit sharper of an angle to make it look more aggressive. And for the side pieces of the helmet I just darkened the AO map to make it stand out more. I hope that makes him look a bit tougher.

    torontoanimator - Thanks man.

    Finally done with baking and fixing the bakes:

    Just under the polycount at 8,497



    Still need to do the alpha maps. As always I'd like to hear what you think needs improvement. I hope to have this guy done by the end of the weekend and finish up the closed-mask version sometime next week.
  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
  • JasonLavoie
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    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Man this is one of my favourite threads right now, fantastic style, and the bakes turned out more then good, can't wait to see what you do with the textures :)
  • UglyMuffin
    Hi All,

    I know it has been way too long since my last update, but I just haven't had as much time as I would like to work on this guy. Anyways here is the texture update. All texture work is hand painted, but in all honesty texturing is probably my weakest area. Still no alpha as the real-time shader I'm using doesn't have an alpha channel. I will be sure to have alpha for the final render. As always I would love to get input on what needs to be improved.


    Muzz - Thanks

    JasonLavoie - Thanks a bunch man. I hope the textures don't disappoint.

    I don't know when I'll have my next update as I'm going to be looking for some kind of entry-level job in the game industry.
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    This is turning out great. Good job. *shoots an attacking bear behind you*
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    really nice textures
  • JasonLavoie
    Offline / Send Message
    JasonLavoie polycounter lvl 18
    Textures feel a bit washed out to me... but it is looking very good :0
  • Shogun3d
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    Shogun3d polycounter lvl 12
    Shoulder pads look out of place since it's blue and strikingly different contrast compared to the rest of the clothing/armour. I think if you use more saturated colors with contrast, they can appear different yet resemble a similar color scheme. It's coming along quite nicely :)
  • UglyMuffin

    Pumped up the textures a bit (more saturation and contrast). I also sharpened up the fabric textures. I finally gave this model an alpha map too.

    Standard max shader and default scan-line render:


    I shrunk the image down a bit for those who don't like big images. If you want to see the full size go here: http://mickjundt.com/content/Images/Trencher/trencherTurn.jpg


    Full size:
    I also finally updated my site a bit too. So if anyone has any crits on it, please share. http://www.mickjundt.com

    killingpeople - Thanks. I hope you're a good shot, I don't have any friends slower than me.

    Ged - Thanks. And thanks for the help all along the way.

    JasonLavoie - Thanks. I think the changes make it look a little less washed out.

    kaburan - Thanks. After looking at the model I saw what you meant. I think the higher spec for the armor and the more saturated and contrasted coat help make everything look like it belongs on the same model.
  • Dr Stench
  • Ged
    Offline / Send Message
    Ged interpolator
    solid work, no problem its a great result really helped adding in that contrast
  • Mimp
    Excellent work.

    My only comment is that the feet look strange, but that's not your doing.

    I understand that you are creating something that is already there (having viewed the reference) but having what looks like a textile material underneath the sole of the boot is not very useful, as it would obviously tear to shreds in battle.

    The reason I think it makes it look strange is that I expect to see a sole of a shoe, so the guys shoes to me look like they are sunk into the ground a little bit.

    Feel free to ignore this as it's just me being a little pedantic. The model and texture are brilliant, I just feel that you should take a little artistic freedom here and there rather than being a slave to the reference :)
  • wasker
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    wasker polycounter lvl 7
    Looks great! I think the model and the textures look excellent! Would like to see him abit dirtier (lying in a trench kinda does that to you) but he's ok the way he is.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    @mimp: i thinks itsmore a thing of the sole, gaiters are really nothing too unusual, but of course they work better with boots that have no flat sole
  • Axcel
    Offline / Send Message
    Axcel polycounter lvl 14
    I like so much HP model quality. Character was modeled in 3ds max and damages on armor was sculpted?

    Can you give some wire of low poly model, with zoom on granates? :)

    Horns of titan aren't exactly like on picture. In the picture they're IN mouth.
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