(Is this the best place to post this?)
'Afternoon folks. After being lazy design-wise most of the summer, I've been inspired by S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (the game and the original movie) to begin work on my first FPS level design - ever. Previously, I've done all RTS stuff when it comes to levels, although I do do a lot of 3D architectural design at work, and I've been wanting to get into the game-ready area.
At this point, I have a concept in mind and a rough layout. I'm going to focus on creating a small section of a level, with all custom props and textures, rather than trying to jump in an do an entire level all at once on my first go.
My question is, would the UT3 engine be a good choice for getting things running in a game? I already have the game and tools, as well as 3GB of video tutorials and quite a few links from the Polycount wiki to more. From what I've read over so far, building modular set pieces and props in 3DS Max and then importing them into UT3 should be straight-forward, if not simple heh.
Any tips and such for an FPS rookie would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks!
Just use which you feel more comfortable using. There's plenty of tutorials for each engine.
Oh, and building modular sets is a lot harder than you think.
You need to stick too the grid and do plenty of pre-planning.
Haven't messed with UT3, but I've heard it's easy to import stuff into it, and you already say you have lots of tutorials on how to do things, so why not go for it?
Lee3d was a level designer once too. And he lived on the east coast.
***(look for gamedev / UT3 )
When you're ready to actually get serious, tutorials are great and all, but you're going to run into roadblocks and probably need to post questions in a forum, the epic forums are great for this:
User maps and mods as well as Level editing modeling are the forums i would look into. Make an account and take advantage of the advanced search function, there's a wealth of knowledge to be found in the years worth of posts made in those forums, be sure to limit your search to those forums.
It's not as easy as you might think, for your first map you might consider just using stock game assets from unreal, or whatever packages you can find on the internet. BSP brushes are a great way to ease into creating your own level geometry using the in editor building brush.
Don't take on too much at once, there's plenty to learn
Just be so good and awesome that we can easily recognize you and it won't matter
I'll be starting a new thread under Pimpage & WIPs once I really get started.
and if you wanna try "megatexture" go for Enemy Territory Quake Wars -
full SDK from SD -
Crysis is good choice, ... but personally ,I'm tired by "paradise" maps.
Hope that You will take Crysis other way.
waiting for Your wip.
If you're goal is to only create a small portion of a level, a vignette, something to show off evironment art skills, then UE3 is a good choice. Importing assets into the engine is incredibly easy. Setting up and adjusting materials for said assets is also easy and done mostly within the editor with great results. If you have great skill at creating high detailed modular assets, this is a good choice. If you're new to level creation, I recommend starting off with the basics, and using the included library of modular assets. It's fun to get creative with them. You'll learn of lot of tricks, and what methods to avoid. That said, UE3 is becoming a standard within the industry. And, much like other standards, is swarming with bugs. If the editor doesn't bring even the beefiest system to a sudden halt, the game will. Get use to saving often. Also, learn how to properly save packages, and the trick for removing assets from them. Also, in my opinion, even though Epic has the best artists in the industry producing great content for use in the engine that look great in real-time, the overall lighting system for the engine is disappointing unless you stay within a strict guideline of visual themes. Dark, wet, and plastic. If you're assets aren't of the best quality, the lighting won't save it. If you intended to build an entire level using custom assets, use UE3. But understand, that is not an easy undertaking, and if a fun playable level is your priority, your idea can often be accomplished using the included packages with minimal custom additions.
I enjoy using Hammer. Importing custom assets into the engine is a much more complicated task than UE3. But, new materials are easier than new models, and most of what you need to layout and build a level with exciting gameplay exists within the editor. The use of detail brushes are like having the ability to build simple static mesh assets within the editor that have no effect on compile time and framerate. Valve's lighting system is very advanced. Placing lighting within a level gives great results quickly, despite the lack of realtime preview. It feels more realistic, but you have to wait a while between map compiles to view the result in game. Source would not be the best option if planning to build an all custom asset environment. But it is, I believe, the best choice for quickly creating fun, minimally cluttered levels for games people enjoying playing. And between Portal, TF2, L4D, and HL2, and any custom mods, there are a variety of gameplay types to design for. The mod community is very alive and helpful with Valve's assistance, and the wealth of information at the Vavle Dev wiki. While UE3 is widely used, I find that Hammer is much like the more stripped down editors you'd find at studios using a proprietary editing toolest being developed along side new IP's. And Hammer never causes me to reboot my system when it crashes.
I haven't used the Sandbox editor since the first FarCry was released. At that time Crytek took too long is provide useful tools for mod teams. The new editor looks handy, and the tools for importing content are provided, and easy to obtain for hobbyist. Sandbox is your best choice if your level concept requires advanced realistic rendering of outdoor environments, water, foilage, and easy placement of roads. Island maps.
well allow me one more link , ( last one :poly124: )
a mod developped under SANDBOX 2 - CRYTEK
keeping eye on this one
Don't try to do any fancy AI scripting if your not into that. It's meant for deathmatch. Anything other than deathmatch get a bit hard to program. But then again, I hardly knew Kismet and the documentation for it at the time was shit.
Once you get over that hump, Hammer is fine.
Bullshit. I've been working with Source for years now and it's still a pain in the ass even though I know it pretty thoroughly. Importing models and textures is more annoying than it should be and the only reason I like Hammer better than the UT3 editor is because I've been working with it longer and I know what all the little buttons do.
Both UT3 and Crysis' mod tools are easier to work with than Source. Period. The only reason to not use them is because the games that use their respective engines aren't as popular with the mod community as anything from Valve, so there isn't as much chance your work will be seen in anything more than screenshots.
For somebody who wants to start out on level design and not pull their hair out trying to get things working correctly, I'd suggest UT3. It's easier to use and more flexible than Source. In addition, a ton of companies are using the UT3 engine for games and familiarity with the UT3 editor is a much more attractive thing to see on a resume than familiarity with Hammer and the Source engine.
Even though the Unreal Editor was very crash friendly in the beginning it had many design friendly approaches to begin with. It did not felt like a coders by- product to get the game done, it felt more complete.
Back then there was not such a success as there is not with the Unreal Engine and Editor and so I can only imagine by what I see and read that epic concentrated only more on their editor.
As for source: Have not really touched it either but what I see behind the shoulders of others is that it comes with way to many sub- tools to get things working together. And with the whole Steam Dongle it gets only more complicated to run just the editor right away and work with it, you just need to register and or need internet in order to work, install or publish with it.