Hey All,
I'm currently studying a game design/art course at uni and we have to build a 3d bipedal character this semester (model, texture, rig, animate etc etc). I'm trying to work ahead of the class and get as much done as possible as i have other subjects i'm not quite so passionate about.
So I've started rigging my character and i want to add a face rig so i can use some basic facial expressions. Since it's for a game i can't use blend shapes and so need to rig it with a skeleton. For the life of me i can't find a decent tutorial on this. Could someone please point me in the right direction or post a face rig that they have done so i can reference off it (if skinning is included that would be grand).
Thanks All
If you want a nice book on the subject (that's Maya-centric), I'd recommend the Art of Rigging Vol 1. The first volume is enough to cover the basics of setting up characters, including face rigs.
So yes, maya.
Thanks FunkaDelic i'll check it out
They have a sale atm so it's 20% off.
Start simple:
Drop in a jaw bone and two eyeball bones, and skin to those. Adding a tiny bit of eyeball weighting to the skin around the eyes will look more natural.
Add eyelid bones, blinking will bring the character to like.
Add a couple of eyebrow bones above each eye.
I've ended up purchasing the face rig tutorials which DimitrisT recommended so I'll give it a go and see what i end up with
When you are looking at facial rigs you'll need to remember that unlike the rest of the body there aren't lots of joints - it's basically only one large bone. Rotation works fine for the most part, but muscles are actually contracting. That's why I mentioned translation, because you get better deformation from translating some of the deformers like the eyebrow ones.
Thank you for the advice i really appreciate it.
It's for a uni project and i can nearly taste the HD already :P
I highly recommend these to anyone wanting to do something similar.