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Assigning Materials - randomly assigned

polycounter lvl 18
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Acumen polycounter lvl 18
So here's the problem. i'm trying to bake some ao-stuff and reassign materials, attach and detach elements and stuff.
and every now and then when i assign a color out of the sudden the elements get all the same color even though i only selected one special element. e.g. everything gets a blue color.
its annoying as hell and i don't know what step i do to cause that problem.

anyone ever had similar problems or know what exactly my mistake is ?


  • renderhjs
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    hehe, no, i smiled when i saw the similar thread titles :)

    basically i'm assigning various materials to the model as base colors for the ao bake e.g. brown for wood, grey for metal, and so on.
    and then when i assign and reassign these materials and attach and detach various elements sometimes the entire model gets the brown material even though i'm only trying to assign it to certain elements.

    i got the results i wanted with playing with the "Set ID Material" in the edit poly modifier. but weirdly the correct color is only rendered correctly, but not in the viewport.
    it's really strange :/

    could it be that every time i attach and detach elements a new material ID is created when i assign it ?
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    well best is to avoid material face id's at all because its a max unique thing and not every other engine or 3d app supports it.
    And yes basically what max does for you is creating a multi-sub material with all the sub materials in it. And because the order of those sub materials tells them apart you need to assign the right integer id to your faces as well in the "set id material".
  • Acumen
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    Acumen polycounter lvl 18
    hm, my mind is very uncomplex in thinking, i guess :D
    i just created the 6 unique colored material slots and assigned these to the model over and over again. didn't think that this would have such a huge impact on the scene.
    well, learnt another thing or two again !
    thanks for the information !!
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