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Heavy Machine gun WIP - COD MOD.

Hey guys. My 15 year old, self taught ass has managed to get into another
indie game team venture. For the, er, 4th time. Hopefully I'll be able to rock my socks off with modelling in this one.
It's a COD WaW mod team who makes pretty sucsesfull maps. I came up with this idea of a heavy machine gun. I'm not really a gun tech at all so I'm sure I'll receive alot of crits about that. (Also, the trigger is just there for now)



  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    oh yeah, you're gonna get it now..
    actually its looking pretty decent. i'd suggest sharpening up those edges on the main lump on the back there. also add a shell ejection port, as well as somewhere for the belts to feed in.
    and add a charging handle for each barrel. some sort of lid to make it easy to put in, and extract the chain would give the design some more believability too.
    here's a vid to help you understand the basic workings of a machine gun:
    crazy japanese video about the M2HB, complete with... saxophone music:

    this is pretty much how every heavy MG has operated for 100 years, with variations of lid size, and such.
  • Taylor Hood
    Right, thanks man ;)

    I'll get on it right away.
  • dejawolf
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    dejawolf polycounter lvl 18
    oh and last but not least, add lines for disassembly. you want to clean a gun after every time it has been fired to keep it working flawlessly.
    this means pulling out the whole firing mechanism, and cleaning all of the little innards, along with pulling out the barrel, and cleaning around it as well.
    for a heavy MG like this, a barrel release handle should be added to each of the barrels, so that
    they can be pulled off and replaced. doesn't matter if you do it ingame, it just adds a bit more life to the gun. in real life, the barrel of one of these would be pulled off an replaced every 500 shots or so, depending on the firing rate and design of the gun.
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