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A pair of monster concepts

polycounter lvl 11
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pangarang polycounter lvl 11
So i drew these without anything in mind, actually. Just a helluva lot of abstract scribbles and whatever i saw within those scribbles i just fleshed out and erased the useless lines. Bad artist, i know :( Anyway, wondering what you guys think of these. And if theyr'e worth taking further - as in, 3D.




  • d00kie
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    d00kie polycounter lvl 17
    Is it worth taking into 3d? D'you feel like taking it into 3d?
    If the answer is yes, then go ahead! If you were, I'd definitely tighten up the concept. Save yourself countless hours in the 3d app of your choice wondering where the hell to go next with it.
  • System
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    System admin
    Looks like a robotic wasp, I like it alot:)
    I think you should go for it but get a solid idea about the head while still in concept stage otherwise it could end in tradegy like d00kie said!
  • crazyfingers
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    crazyfingers polycounter lvl 10
    Might just be my personal preference, but aside from female figures, big bulky type figures translate better into 3d. That way you have a nice big pallet for your maps to show through and you're not trying to communicate so much with tris, which can be limiting.
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