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Getting back into low poly

polycounter lvl 8
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martinszeme polycounter lvl 8

First post here. :)

Recently had a big inspiration for game modeling, texturing so had to realise some of this stuff. Also trying to get into game industry after working as arch vis guy for few years.

Made a simple parking machine. Had some (and there are still few) problems with normal map generation, but overall very happy how it turned out. Haven't been doing anything low poly for ages. :)


Wanted to do a bit stylised small beating bat with some metal platings at the tip. Didn't came out as wanted - metal parts doesn't read that well and overall not 100% hapy, but still a lots of fun while making it. Will try to hand paint those textrues next time. But for now its done.


Feel free to comment and give some constructive feedback. :)


  • Havok
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    Havok polycounter lvl 17
    Stuff looks great, man. For the bat, while I have never really done a spec map before, maybe you could try darkening the bat a bit in the spec and leave the metal as is. If that doesn't work maybe try making the metal a bit brighter in the diffuse.

    For the parking machine did you make a high poly? Just curious...
  • ParoXum
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    ParoXum polycounter lvl 9
    The bat need more details in the wood to metal plate transistions. It could be made in the diffuse using darker lines around the plates. Also use a less uniform specular on the metal and more distinctive scratches might help read better.

    Dont over-estimate the normal map, the diffuse often need its quantity of details to read well.

    Just me cents.
  • mister
    both entries look really nice, and Id agree with the points raised by the other posters.
    One other thing I noticed though,

    The Parking machine has a number of areas where geometry is being wasted, the cut across the middle of the main box is unnecessary, as are the points at the bottom front. also id guess that the geometry for the door is really not needed as it doesnt affect the silohette. I know its pretty low poly anyway but it never hurts to try and optimise where you can :)
  • martinszeme
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    martinszeme polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for your replies guys!

    Somehow I didn't get notifications that somebody replied to this thread. Will have to check my settings.

    Yup, there are some wasted polys there. UVs didn't lay out as nicely without those few extra tris in the front so had to add them. I guess the lack of experiene in low poly shows through. :)

    Yup, I myself didn't like that transition from metal and so I checked again and looks like I forgot to check Use Specular in Toolbag. :poly127:
    So here is the one with correct specularity. Still not as defines as I would like, but a bit better.


    Thanks for the tips and suggestions guys. Got some questions myself. :)

    When I layed out UVs for the bat I realised I can't fill all of square 1024*1024 texture so I just made it as big as I could and moved it to side. What is the best practice for stuff like this? Do I try to rotate it by 45 degrees so it takes a bit more of the given space or just add other textures for different models (lets say accessories for the guy who would be using this bat)?

    Next I will be working on the Environment Modeller task - The Club Environment.

    Should be load of fun! Will keep you updated :thumbup:
  • renderhjs
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    renderhjs sublime tool
    lick on the imageshack images till you get the full size image, then right click on that image and select "copy image URL".
    Then back here at polycount use the [img][/img] tags to embed the images. That way we don't have to click the xtra steps and see ads on imageshack.
  • martinszeme
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    martinszeme polycounter lvl 8
    Sorry about that. All is changed now. :)

    Forgot to answer Havok about the high poly model. Yes I modeled the high poly version too. I already had it modeled so it seamed like a great way to practice low poly. Previous version was meant to be a transformer where it would transform from simple car park machine into a robot. Had too much stuff time to do and too little time. As always :)
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