Hello there, It's soon time to start searching for an internship so im looking for some critique on my models. They are all in latter stages, so mostly looking for critique on the texturing, but modelling critique most welcome!
forgot to add the marmorset logo, so yeah, every image except the hovercraft is rendered in marmorset. cheers 8monkeylabs
Beretta :
Hovercraft :
I added a very quick color blockout on the bigger parts to try and find out something that would work, however failed miserably, I'll go and try and fail some more, if anyone got any suggestions about it feel free to help me out
Fire Hydrant :
Dont worry about the big texture error on the back, i'll smudge that out later on. I havent added the rust to the spec yet but I doubt that will be enough to save it. Looks very dull and unrealistic any tip on how to put more realism into it?
Beretta is about 2242tris
Hovercraft : 12263
Firehydrant : 2482
aneways. i would straighten out some stuff on that hydrant UV and push the specmap some more. mainly contrast it/ sharpen it. the beretta is cool but suffer from the same prob.
good luck with the internships, where are you located?
Anyway here's an update to the hovercraft
MikeF: It is my previouse thread, and I followed the advice given to me, atleast I think so. In the end I ended up with having a very pale dull modell. Need to contrast it more, but I feel the metal i've made just isn't working. Gonna go over my previouse thread and then most likly redo the texture.
Motives : You got me , I'll push it some more, it's still W.I.P so barely touched the spec. Thanks for the advice.
I am located in sweden(Falun) atm, originally from norway. Dont mind moving abroad for a job though
I've gone over my last thread and so fucking stupid of me not going through that again. The hydrant i've followed most of the tips however not that precisely i'll make some changes, and the gun im going add more color, post coming as soon as i've gotten something done. Then some critique as I go along with the hovercraft would be nice
I dig the hovercraft, but i think you would benefit from some smaller detailed bits like wires/bolts be it to actually help out the silhouette or just for the highpoly (if you're doing one)
Sorry to disappoint you ^^
The bolts is actually a good idea, started adding a bit of dirt here and there now working on the base metal for the thing, I'll go crazy with heightmapping and see what I can do with the minor detail thanks for the advice.
Also triscount is 1840, i had some hidden screws ontop of each other eating up the triscount. Going to work a bit on the beretta now, see if I can pull of a better result.
I just added some very quick scratches to see about how it would look and I think this got a bit more potential to be like the real deal than the previouse screen. Just feels very wrong having an almost totally dark diffuse, feels as if it doesn't show of any "skill".
changed the upload picture.
If you're dead set in sticking with the black metal, then i'd recomend http://www.game-artist.net/forums/spotlight-articles/42-tutorial-hard-surface-texture-painting.html to help bring out the details a bit more.
If you wanted to really make it pop i'd say do a two tone scheme http://www.bbguns.co.uk/l.aspx?k=1051743
keep at it, you're getting there
The hydrant is suppose to be very pale, it has almost no spec. Here is the ref I used for texturing http://farm1.static.flickr.com/8/6381524_23b8856422.jpg?v=0
The hovercraft i've started on the spec, what i've worked with in the spec so far is mostly the body chassis, the ball shape under the helmet and the helmet itself.
Crit away MikeF! haha ;D
For a black/silver combo, try changing everything that could be replaced on the gun to black parts. Front/rear sight, spring guide, take down lever, slide release, hammer, safety, trigger, mag release and mag base.
Hope you don't mind, I did a paintover.
I'm not sure about the cloud noise in the texture. Are you going for a dirty beretta look? Some carbon stains around the chamber area would help it show heavy use.
00Zero : I agree that it needs more highlight, but if you look at the reference it is very dull, almost no highlights, but I will pump it up a bit.
Pyromania, could you reupload your paintover? I cant see it, is this what you mean? http://www.waffennoser.ch/img/beretta_92_fs.jpg
anyway im pretty sure when I modelled the gun and looked at refs ,some refs had the indicator up left where it is now, then again I cant locate any beretta with the red indicator at that position now.. But hey no biggie moving it.. just checking
I changed the uploader for the paint over. Not sure why it wasn't working for you *shrug*