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Workshop #3 - Calabi

polycounter lvl 12
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Calabi polycounter lvl 12
I thought I'd have a go at this, dont have a clue what I'm doing but I'll wing it.

Ork Chainsword.

Its just before a bit of refinement putting on the nobbly bits and then high polying it(I guess uv before that though). Not sure if I'm gonna extrude the nobbly bits or have them floating or just draw them on the texture.


  • Havok
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    Havok polycounter lvl 17
    Look good so far. So what are you not understanding? From what you wrote it seems like this is going to be your low? If so I suggest not doing that. What I do is make my high and everything without thinking about the low. After my high is done save a copy as low_01 or something similar and then start removing un-needed edges. This way I keep the same silhouette (for the most part) and dont really have to work over the high while it bogs my computer down. Then of course uvs, bake, etc.

    This is just what I do but if you want to give your method a shot then go for it. But if you end up changing the high a bit while modeling, you may have to go back and change the low and UVs which sucks. Also, you shouldn't just put bolts and what not in the texture. It will probably look like crap and out of place. You should just model 'em. If you have any questions, I'm here for you bud :).
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    I dont know much beyond the modelling and uving bit. I'm gonna try learn as much as I can as I go along, see how far I get.

    Your way sounds good will try that, thanks for the info.
  • Calabi
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    Calabi polycounter lvl 12
    The high poly is finished.

    Control edged. Dont suppose theres some magic button you can press to do them.

    Subded twice in wings(it just managed it). 82,984 polys.


    Next its the uving and the whats ya macallits. Heres the obj if anyone wants it.

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