Back with another WAR project. Im doing this for a class assignment. The guidelines were to do a statue of sorts, such as a fountain lady with pouring vases, gargoyle, jumping fish, etc.. So instead of just doing a character model and just throwing a stone or bronze texture on it, im going to be sculpting a small monolith to the Raven God. (woot!) Here is the basemesh, about 2 hours in at the moment. I wanted to throw it up on PC before i take it into ZBrush so i can get and comments or helpful hints early. Only difficult part is i only have 1 pic of concept art, so im modeling off that. The proportions are a known issue, currently working on makeing them fit the concept more closely.
Though just having typed all that and looked at the concept again, the base of the tongue is thin and curling upwards, so all that I just typed could be dismissed (if you weren't going for realim).
I took a couple minute and did a quickie version of the way I would lay out the topology as one piece instead of using two separate objects ofr this guy. The concept shows him clearly as one single piece of wood. Although the tongue does extrude at the bottom, it is completely connected otherwise throughout the body, and only implied - carved in - to the side once it extends past the jaws. Doing it like this would save tris, match the concept a lot better, and make the normal mapping process a whole lot easier.
forgive my discepencies around the jaw area. Concept shows a disconnected jaw where I didn't have time to model in the gap between the top and bottom - trying to illustrate the tongue
Good start, however I reckon if you're going to follow a concept piece like this that you should do your absolute best to match how it looks in order to show that you are capable of very closely matching concept art.
Anywho... I'm wondering why your branch / vine that is curling has more uv space then the trunk itself, since the trunk has more detail (and more pixel density).
As for the shape, I like 2 better, the leafs seem to flow much better then number 1. (just the little curve is cool).
Edit: Oops, didn't look at it long enough. I like the vine curl in number 1, but I like the top leafs in number 2 (both the very top and where the vine starts).
My origional z brush sculpt exploded, so i decided to re shape the mesh itself, heeding the suggestions and combinging the tounge bit along with the rest of the body, as well as fixin the shape of the beak. here is the sculpt as of now. There are some noisy bits to smooth out, but this is only like 1 hour in or so.
unless you are strongly against it. good start though. the sculpt looks promising
i'm sure it's a nice break from senior proj though ha.
Have at it fellas!
Anyway, added some swirls in the diffuse, it helps it out significantly i feel.