Ive decided to post the progress of my class project, re-creating a section of Elizabeth Street, Melbourne for a game engine.
We're building roughly 100 meters of the street from the Flinders Street intersection upto Flinders Lane.
Google maps link:
http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=32+elizabeth+street+melbourne&sll=-37.817022,144.965179&sspn=0.009984,0.026157&ie=UTF8&ll=-37.816175,144.967668&spn=0.009984,0.026157&t=h&z=16&iwloc=A (You can go into streetview to see the area)
My portion of the project is to model a standard Melbourne Fire Hydrant (with cover) and the Australian Natives Association building (KFC) located at 32-30 Elizabeth street.
Here's the building:
So far I've created most of the facade plus the bluebox model with my guesstimate dimensions.
I've been working in symmetry mode to cut down time and keep proportions the same on both sides.
Currently the facade is at 954 Tries (326 polys)
Once finishing up the main portion of the facade I'll be modeling the storefront facing the street. In real life it's a KFC on the left and a Bar/hospitality training place. I don't want to make a KFC so I may replace that with a fake store, or extend the same storefront of the bar place to cover the entire storefront. I'll decide what to do after taking some more reference photos next week.
Keep up the good work!
99% finished the fire hydrant cover model. I don't need to do the actual hydrant underneath but may do it another time. Still needs smoothing groups and such.
While the building is almost complete model wise, just need to work on the ground level entrance a bit more.
The left side is blank because another building adjoins that wall and the right wall is concrete with a few old advertisements painted up on it.
I'm making an A Class tram.
I decided to model this type of tram instead of the newer trams melbourne has because the B Class trams are just two A classes stuck together with a slight change in the middle. That way (time depending) we can have two different types of tram for our city scene without too much extra work.
B class Tram: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B_class_Melbourne_tram (The university I attend is the brown building on the left in that top picture, funnily enough)
I started two days ago where I created the doors and side panels with the window, yesterday I worked on the indicator lights and the ends of the tram as seen below:
I redid the ends today and mirrored the tram to see how it'll look when it's final. Just need to work on some more detailling and poly optimisation.
The current model as it stands (without being mirrored, like in the above pic) is 3218 tries (1571 polys) although that can be cut down a bit.
In the next few days I'll go take a few pictures of the inside of a tram so I can start creating the interior.
Keep up the good work, Andrew.
Render on left, wire frame and poly count(er) on right:
As for the tram, I've done a bit more since those last screens but I'm not working on it as much. May finish it off during the holidays and concerntrate on proper coursework.