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Workshop #2 SS

polycounter lvl 14
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SStrickland polycounter lvl 14
Hey! I started on Workshop 2 late, and am just finishing. I'm currently trying to push more polys into my low poly, hopefully I can bake in a couple hours. Here is my high poly.



  • Havok
    Offline / Send Message
    Havok polycounter lvl 17
    Way late :).

    Looks pretty good dude. Something looks weird about the chain though. I think you skipped every other section. Should be more like this:


    Bake that shit :D.
  • SStrickland
    Offline / Send Message
    SStrickland polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah doing the teeth every link definitely would have looked better in hindsight, I was going off of this pic:


    Also, my teeth stick up too far, and look pretty crap on the bake. I should have done planes, but I wanted to animate like EQ ha.

    I finished the bake, slapped the quickest diffuse on there ever (flat with AO) and "completed" it. It definitely needs more work painting out errors and whatnot, and for sure has some rushed problems, but I want to get back on the workshop schedule.


    2000 polys even.


    Things I learned:

    3ds Max 2010 still sucks when it comes to displaying normals in viewport (thanks Marmoset). Instead of bogging down my comp, 2010 makes the diffuse desaturate a lot, anyone know a way to fix that?

    Even though I didn't straighten the unwrap (because I didn't plan on doing a serious diffuse (I went for maximum relax instead)), it would have been better if I had straightened them if only to make the normals and AO less jagged. Thanks Justin Messner for pointing that out.

    Put detail in areas even though they aren't on the reference (duh). The blade is boring.

    Stop trying to bake in Max. I fought with that crap for hours last night, and luckily remembered XNormal (unluckily late).

    Lastly I learned that I need more RAM because RAM = sanity.


    This workshop is really cool, I wish I had noticed it when it was announced.
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