Hey, I've started this new project. It's on pimping and reviews but no one seems to have posted in 2 days. Anyways, I have a problem with face unwrapping... I am not really experienced in it. I use cylindrical mapping but what I want is for the ear to be at the side it should be but I'm getting all these weird cut edges or whatever on the side. I have tried puting pelt seams on the ears, eyes and under the kneck and stuff like that. How should I go at this?
i always thought for organic stuff like faces, pelt/relax would be an awesome combo to get fast and clean results (if the mesh is clean)
However, you'll probably have better results with pelt mapping as you can then select the exact seams you want. And then hammer the hell out of it with relax as the pelt mapping is ultimately useless.
Try adding a cut line down the back of the head and one small one along the throat. Then project, stitch and relax.
It looks like you have some clean up work to do around the eyes and possibly the mouth. I see some overlapping and pinching here and there.
Suggestion 1) Relax works really well on a selection of verts.
Suggestion 2) It is a good idea to turn on soft select when doing this so it blends into the surrounding areas.