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Context Sensitive - A VG Show

Hellooooo Polycount!

A friend of mine and I recently got the opportunity to join an upcoming internet-tv channel called igem where we host a small ~40 minute video game show every week.

It's been great fun working on it for the past few weeks, and as continue to improve, we would both love to get some input from the community, and also the artists/designers/developers.

You can find our show here. In the flash player, click the boxes which are titled "Context Sensitive Show #"on rollover. The older shows are, admittedly, pretty rough around the edges as we were still getting used to broadcasting etc. so check out the newest one / newer ones before critiquing please.

Also, this monday we're hosting a community games night.
Our show will be live at 1pm EST [GMT-5]. Then, later at 3pm EST [GMT-5] we're playing FIFA 09, and then at 7pm EST [GMT-5] we're playing Red Faction Guerrilla. It'll be up live at our site as well as justin.tv. If you guys want to join us and others for some multiplayer fun, drop your gamertag off here, and we'll invite you into our games :). It'd be great to have you guys in on it.

We're currently trying to get things big, and a lot of major plans have already started rolling. With your help, we can make our show better for the viewers.

If you have critique for the site / other shows, then let me know and i'll pass it on to the web designer / other hosts.

Cheers guys
And thanks in advance


  • indian_boy
    Offline / Send Message
    Hey guys

    sorry to bump, but i wanted to let you know that we're hosting another community game night at the place I work, and everyone here is invited to represent Polycount. It will be streamed live on our site and jtv. On Monday August 24, we will play Madden 10 at 3-4 PM EST (GMT -5) and COD4 at 5-6 PM EST (GMT -5). We might even even do two hours per game but if that changes I will let everyone know.

    Both are 360 versions so drop off your tag or PM me and we'll be sure to invite you. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    Last week was pretty fun. Quite a few people joined us in red faction, and more joined along the way.

    Cheers guys!

    PS: probably the last time for a few weeks i'll post here, if there's no replies from the community. don't worry i won't keep bumping this thread if there's no interest.
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